Citation: Yue Guozong, Gao Rui, Zhao Pengxiang, Chu Mingfu, Shuai Maobing. Trivalent Uranium Complex in Small Molecules Activation[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2016, 74(8): 657-663. doi: 10.6023/A16050260 shu

Trivalent Uranium Complex in Small Molecules Activation

  • Corresponding author: Shuai Maobing,
  • Received Date: 26 May 2016

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21601166the National Natural Science Foundation of China 21501156the National Natural Science Foundation of China 51573172the Discipline Development Foundation of Science and Technology on Surface Physics and Chemistry Laboratory ZDXKFZ201506


  • Uranium, one of typical actinide elements, has strong polarizing property. Using 5f orbitals for bonding with ligands, uranium(III) compounds have some unique reactivities including: migratory insertion, σ-bond metathesis and redox activity etc., which provides researchers with good opportunities to obtain organic uranium complexes or materials with unique structures and reactional properties. In the last 20 years, it has been found that trivalent uranium organic complexes exhibit a wide variety of activation towards small molecules. Due to the significant research and potential industrial value, this field has been well developed in recent years. Some research results for small molecules (such as N2, CO, CO2) activation promoted by trivalent uranium complexes were summarized in the paper.
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