Citation: Yuan Pei, Chen Jian, Pan Deng, Bao Xiaojun. Adsorption and Reaction Kinetic Studies of the Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation for Polystyrene[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica, ;2016, 74(7): 603-611. doi: 10.6023/A16030117 shu

Adsorption and Reaction Kinetic Studies of the Heterogeneous Catalytic Hydrogenation for Polystyrene

  • Corresponding author: Yuan Pei,
  • Received Date: 4 March 2016

    Fund Project: China National Petroleum Corp. 2012B-2805The National Natural Science Foundation of China 21106182The National Natural Science Foundation of China 21576290


  • We applied silica hollow microspheres with through holes in the shell as supports to prepare Pd-based supported catalyst (Pd/SHMs) for heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenation of polystyrene (PS) and also systematically studied the adsorption and reaction behavior of PS molecules over Pd/SHMs. The dynamic adsorption and reaction models of PS molecules under different temperatures have been established and the partially hydrogenated products were also comprehensively analyzed. The result shows that both the adsorption capacity and saturation time are increased as the temperature increasing and this hydrogenation reaction is confirmed to be a first-order reaction and the activation energy is calculated to be 58.3 kJ·mol-1. After separating and purifying three samples with different hydrogenation degrees, we further analyzed the partially hydrogenated products and the results show that they are all actually comprised of two kinds of substances with different properties, one with high hydrogenation conversion rate (ca. 85%) and the other with low hydrogenation ratio (ca. 25%). It is proved that PS heterogeneous hydrogenation process exists secondary adsorption and competitive adsorption phenomenon, and obeys the Blocky mechanism. This work lays the foundation for PS adsorption and hydrogenation reaction and is also favorable for the understanding of the adsorption and catalytic process for other unsaturated polymers over heterogeneous catalysts.
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