Citation: LU Yun, ZHANG Deng, FAN Xin-Rong, WAN Hong-Xiang, XU Yan. Synthesis,Structural Characterization and Properties of Two New Layered Lanthanide Sulfates Containing 12-Membered-Rings[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2013, 29(12): 2623-2630. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-4861.2013.00.381 shu

Synthesis,Structural Characterization and Properties of Two New Layered Lanthanide Sulfates Containing 12-Membered-Rings

  • Received Date: 6 December 2012
    Available Online: 4 May 2013

    Fund Project: 教育部博士点新教师基金(No.20113221120002) (No.20113221120002)江苏省科技厅自然科学基金(No.BK2012823)资助项目。 (No.BK2012823)

  • Employing solvothermal method, two new lanthanide sulfates [Tb2(SO4)5][(CH3)2NH2]4(1) and [Y2(SO4)5][(CH3)2NH2]4(2) with two-dimensional layered structures have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal XRD, ICP, IR and TGA. Both of the two compounds crystallize in the triclinic space group p1. Crystal data for 1, a=0.988 7(3) nm, b=1.106 1(3) nm, c=1.535 4(4) nm, α=70.45(4)°, β=75.12(3)°, γ=67.11(3)°, Z=2. For 2, a=0.9816(5) nm, b=1.100 1(5) nm, c=1.528 6(8) nm, α=70.44(6)°, β=75.45(6)°, γ=67.48(6)°, Z=2. Crystal structure analysis reveals that both of the inorganic frameworks of Compound 1 and 2 have layered two-dimensional architectures which are formed by two types of double stranded chains and 12-membered rings (12MRs). The solid state luminescent properties of compounds 1 were investigated and it displays a typical luminescent property of Tb3+ with excitation wavelength at 369 nm. CCDC: 941147, 1; 941148 2.
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