Citation: DING Lan-Lan, LUAN Li-Qiang, SHI Jia-Wei, LIU Wei. Phthalocyanine Based Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2013, 29(8): 1591-1598. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-4861.2013.00.311 shu

Phthalocyanine Based Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Therapy

  • Received Date: 26 February 2013
    Available Online: 20 June 2013

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(No.21071090) (No.21071090)山东大学自主创新基金(No.2012JC013)资助项目。 (No.2012JC013)

  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a clinically approved procedure. Due to its minimal normal tissue toxicity, negligible side effects and high selectivity, it has emerged as an efficient treatment method for many kinds of cancers. Recently, significant effort has been devoted to enhance its selectivity and phototoxicity toward malignant tissues. This review summarizes the recent research of photosensitizers, especially focuses on the progress of the third generation photosensitizers based on phthalocyanines.
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