Citation: Bihao Zhuang, Zicong Jin, Dehua Tian, Suiyi Zhu, Linqian Zeng, Jiandong Fan, Zaizhu Lou, Wenzhe Li. Halogen Regulation for Enhanced Luminescence in Emerging (4-HBA)SbX5∙H2O Perovskite-Like Single Crystals[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2023, 39(1): 220900. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202209007 shu

Halogen Regulation for Enhanced Luminescence in Emerging (4-HBA)SbX5∙H2O Perovskite-Like Single Crystals

  • Corresponding author: Jiandong Fan, Zaizhu Lou, Wenzhe Li,
  • Received Date: 5 September 2022
    Revised Date: 19 September 2022
    Accepted Date: 20 September 2022
    Available Online: 29 September 2022

    Fund Project: the National Natural Science Foundation of China 22075103the National Natural Science Foundation of China 22175076the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar 2019B151502030the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholar 2018B030306004the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province 2022A1515010489the Science and Technology Plan Project of Guangzhou 202002030159the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 21621112the State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University KF21-03the "Young Top Talents" in the Pearl River Talent Project of Guangdong Province 2017GC010424

  • Luminescent materials have attracted considerable attention because of their extensive applications, for example, in lighting, display, and imaging. As one of the emerging luminescent materials, perovskites have been widely studied and reported. Among them, Pb-based perovskites have shown great promise as their photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) is almost 100%. However, the high chemical toxicity and low stability of Pb-based perovskites increase their production costs and limit their practical applications. Sn-based perovskites are also widely studied and their PLQY can reach approximately 90%; however, Sn2+ easily oxidizes to Sn4+ especially upon air exposure. When compared with Pb- and Sn-based perovskites, Sb-based perovskites have the advantages of low chemical toxicity and high thermal stability. Furthermore, the optical properties of Sb-based perovskites have been improved in recent years and are expected to surpass those of Pb- and Sn-based perovskites. Herein, we report a novel series of (4-HBA)SbX5∙H2O single crystals (where 4-HBA is short for 4-hydroxybenzylamine, and X is Cl or Br). High quality single crystals of (4-HBA)SbBr5∙H2O, (4-HBA)SbBr3Cl2∙H2O, and (4-HBA)SbCl5∙H2O with Sb5+ can be prepared via the solvothermal method. The abovementioned three materials belong to the P-1 space group. The halide and hydroxyl ions surrounded by Sb5+ ions in 4-hydroxybenzylamine formed distorted octahedral structures. Based on the results of steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy, excitation spectroscopy, transient fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and density functional theory, it was found that the (4-HBA)SbBr5∙H2O single crystal has a direct band gap, whereas the single crystals of (4-HBA)SbBr3Cl2∙H2O and (4-HBA)SbCl5∙H2O have an indirect band gap. When the concentration of Cl in (4-HBA)SbX5∙H2O increased, the band gap increased from 2.99 to 3.58 eV and the photoluminescence wavelength decreased from 618 to 595 nm. The obtained results also showed that the emission of the (4-HBA)SbX5∙H2O single crystal originated from the self-trapping exciton effect. With the introduction of Cl, the size of the [SbX5O]2− octahedron decreased, the exciton shielding reduced, and the exciton absorption was enhanced. Additionally, after replacing Br with Cl, the radiation recombination process of the excited electrons from the Sb5+ ions surrounding the halide ions gradually replaced the electron recombination of the hydroxyl ions, which extended the fluorescence lifetime from 12 to 22 ns and improved the PLQY by a factor of approximately 40.
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