LIU Guo, LU Yuan-Yuan, ZHANG Jing, LI Zhi, FENG Zhao-Chi, LI Can. Phase Transformation and Photocatalytic Properties of Bi2O3 Prepared Using a Precipitation Method[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2016, 32(5): 1247-1256.
A Bi(OH)3 precursor was prepared using a precipitation method using bismuth nitrate as a starting material and ammonia as the precipitation agent. Bi(OH)3 was then calcined at different temperatures and different time. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetry (TG), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UVVis DRS) were used to investigate the phase transformation from Bi(OH)3 to Bi2O3 and the particle size, morphology, and optical properties of Bi2O3 during the phase transformation. It was found that Bi(OH)3 after calcination undergoes the following process: Bi(OH)3 → Bi5O7NO3 → β-Bi2O3/Bi5O7NO3 → β-Bi2O3/Bi5O7NO3/α-Bi2O3 → α-Bi2O3. It was observed that the above phase transformation from Bi(OH)3 to Bi2O3 and the growth of the particle size are interrelated. It was also found that the phase transition from β-Bi2O3 to α-Bi2O3 was faster compared with the phase transition from Bi5O7NO3 to β-Bi2O3. Also, the degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) was studied to investigate and compare the photocatalytic performance of Bi2O3 with different crystalline phases. The result indicates that Bi5O7NO3 and β-Bi2O3 exhibit excellent photocatalytic performance, while α-Bi2O3 has a low photocatalytic activity.
- Bi5O7NO3,
- β-Bi2O3,
- α-Bi2O3,
- Bismuth oxide,
- Precipitation method,
- Phase transformation
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