Citation: TIAN Wen-Jie, WANG Hong, YIN Zhen, YANG Ying, LI Jian-Xin. Preparation of Nano-Manganite Loaded Titanium Electocatalytic Membrane for the Catalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2015, 31(8): 1567-1574. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201506171 shu

Preparation of Nano-Manganite Loaded Titanium Electocatalytic Membrane for the Catalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol

  • Received Date: 20 January 2015
    Available Online: 17 June 2015

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(21206119, 21303119) (21206119, 21303119)长江学者和创新团队发展计划(IRT13084)项目资助 (IRT13084)

  • MnOx nanoparticles obtained by the emulsion method were loaded on a microporous tubular titanium membrane to prepare a functional MnOx/Ti electrocatalytic membrane. The effects of calcination temperature on the crystal structure of MnOx as well as the electrochemical properties and catalytic performance to oxidize benzyl alcohol of MnOx/Ti membrane were systematically investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), chronoamperometry (CA), and other characterization methods. The results indicated that the crystal structure of MnOx was gradually transformed from Birnessite-MnO2 to K0.27MnO2, and finally to α- MnO2 from Mn3O4 with increasing calcination temperature. The α-MnO2 particles in the MnOx/Ti electrocatalytic membrane showed high crystallinity and uniform particle size (less than 30 nm). The superior electrochemical properties and catalytic performance of α-MnO2/Ti membrane obtained at a calcination temperature of 450 ℃ could be attributed to the binding effects between unsaturated coordination atoms of Mn and oxygen vacancies with the Ti substrate. The α-MnO2/Ti membrane obtained at 450 ℃ was used as the anode to assemble an electrocatalytic membrane reactor to oxidize benzyl alcohol. 64% conversion of benzyl alcohol and 79% selectivity to benzaldehyde was achieved under the operating conditions: reaction temperature 25 ℃, aqueous benzyl alcohol solution of 50 mmol·L-1, current density 2 mA·cm-2, and residence time 15 min.

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