Citation: AN Wei, LIU Tian-Hui, WANG Chun-Hai, DIAO Chuan-Ling, LUO Neng-Neng, LIU Yong, QI Ze-Ming, SHAO Tao, WANG Yu-Yin, JIAO Huan, TIAN Guang-Shan, JING Xi-Ping. Assignment for Vibrational Spectra of BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Ceramic Based on the First-Principles Calculation[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2015, 31(6): 1059-1068. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201504144 shu

Assignment for Vibrational Spectra of BaTiO3 Ferroelectric Ceramic Based on the First-Principles Calculation

  • Received Date: 14 February 2015
    Available Online: 14 April 2015

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(21071009, 21371015)资助项目 (21071009, 21371015)

  • ABaTiO3 ceramic was synthesized using a conventional solid-state reaction, and sintered at 1400 ℃ for 4 h. The pure tetra nal phase was confirmed by Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction data. The Raman spectrum and the far infrared (FIR) reflective spectrum were obtained and analyzed using Lorentz fitting and the four-parameter semi-quantum model fitting, respectively. The Raman and FIR spectra were assigned based on first-principles calculations, and consideration of the splitting of the transverse optical modes and longitudinal optical modes. All the vibrational modes were represented by linear combinations of the symmetry coordinates deduced by group theory analysis. Among the 12 optical modes, the Raman-active-only mode, B1, can be viewed as the wing-flapping vibration of the O4-O5 plane perpendicular to the z-axis in the O6 octahedron. The A1(1) mode and the E(1) soft mode are split by the triply degenerate F1u mode of cubic BaTiO3, resulting in the ferroelectric property of tetra nal BaTiO3. The appearance of the A1(1) mode leads to crystal polarization along the z-axis and the E(1) mode causes the large permittivity. These two modes can be described as vibration of the Ti atom against the O6 octahedral cage along the z-axis [A1(1)] and on the xy-plane [E(1)].

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