BA Yan-Tao, HOU Ling-Yun, MAO Xiao-Fang, WANG Feng-Shan. Construction and Analysis of a Chemical Kinetic Model for Monomethylhydrazine/Nitrogen Tetroxide Reactions[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2014, 30(6): 1042-1048.
A reduced chemical kinetic model including 20 reactions and 23 species devoted to the gasphase reaction of monomethylhydrazine/nitrogen tetroxide (MMH/NTO) mixtures is presented in this study. It was constructed strictly through the extension of the chemical kinetic and thermochemical parameters used to describe major reactions between MMH and NTO. This mechanism is capable of representing the low temperature auto-ignition and high-temperature combustion of a MMH/NTO bipropellant system. The constructed model was verified using computational and theoretical data from the literature. The od agreement shows that the reduced mechanism can give an accurate prediction of the ignition delay time and the equilibrium temperature of MMH/NTO mixtures over a broad range of initial temperatures and pressures. The mechanism can also reasonably describe the dependence of the MMH/NTO mixture ignition delay time on the initial pressure and the oxygen/fuel ratio. Additionally, important reactions for ignition have been identified through a sensitivity analysis. The influence of different initial pressures and NTO/MMH ratios on the auto-ignition and combustion of MMH/NTO mixtures was investigated. Results show that with an increase in initial pressure, the MMH/NTO ignition delay time decreases while the equilibrium temperature increases. When the NTO/MMH ratio increases within a certain range, the computational ignition delay time increases while the equilibrium temperature increases initially and then decreases.
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