WANG Jian-Tao, WANG Yao, HUANG Bin, YANG Juan-Yu, TAN Ao, LU Shi-Gang. Silicon Supported on Stable Si-O-C Skeleton in High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Materials[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2014, 30(2): 305-310.
A Si/SiOC/graphite composite structure with high efficiency and long-term cycling stability was synthesized using a cost- effective method. In this structure, a SiOC network with od chemical stability acts as a skeleton to support and segregate Si nanostructures. The graphite incorporated in the Si/SiOC composite is used as a conductive material to enhance the electrical conductivity. Such Si/SiOC/graphite composite anodes show excellent cycling stability, with a specific capacity of ~637.3 mAh·g-1 and ~86% capacity retention over 100 cycles at a rate of 0.3C. The design of this new structure has the potential to provide a basis for the development of other functional composite materials.
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