LI Xiang-Hong, XIE Xiao-Guang. Inhibition Effect of Pyrimidine Derivatives on the Corrosion of Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2013, 29(10): 2221-2231.
The inhibition effect of two pyrimidine derivatives, 2- hydroxypyrimidine (HP) and 2- mercaptopyrimidine (MP), on the corrosion of cold rolled steel (CRS) in 1.0-5.0 mol·L-1 HCl is investigated by mass loss, potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and quantum chemical calculations. The results show that HP and MP are both od inhibitors of corrosion of CRS in 1.0 mol·L-1 HCl solution. The adsorption of these inhibitors onto the CRS surface obeys the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Inhibition efficiency increases with inhibitor concentration, and decreases with hydrochloric acid concentration. The thermodynamic parameters of adsorption (adsorption equilibrium constant (K) and adsorption free energy (ΔG0)) and kinetic parameters of corrosion (apparent activation energy (Ea), pre-exponential factor (A), corrosion rate constant (k), and kinetic reaction constant (B)) are also calculated. Based on these parameters, the mechanism of inhibition is discussed. Potentiodynamic polarization curves show that HP and MP act as mixed-type inhibitors. EIS exhibit one capacitive loop, and the charge transfer resistance increases with inhibitor concentration. The results of quantum chemical calculations indicate that MP exhibits higher adsorptive ability than HP, which is in od agreement with the experimental data.
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