ZHAO Pei-Zhu, LI Lin-Yan, XU Sheng-Ming, ZHANG Qin. Synthesis and Structural Transformations of (Gd1-xCex)2Zr2O7+x: An Analogue for Pu Immobilization[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2013, 29(06): 1168-1172.
Gd2Zr2O7 is a well known host for nuclear waste immobilization because of the high neutron absorption cross section of Gd and low energy transformation between ordered pyrochlore and disordered defect-fluorite structures. Pyrochlore Gd2Zr2O7 was synthesized at relatively low temperature (compared with traditional high temperature solid-state reaction) using Gd(NO3)3·nH2O, Zr(NO3)4·nH2O as a starting material and a small amount of NaF as fluxing agent. Ce4+ was used as an analogue for Pu4+ and its immobilization behavior in Gd2Zr2O7 was studied in a series of solidified forms comprising (Gd1-xCex)2Zr2O7+x (0≤x≤0.6). Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) data showed that the sample structure transformed from pyrochlore to defect-fluorite type with increasing x but maintained constant unit cell volumes. As x was increased to 0.6, the diffraction peaks showed broadening, suggesting considerable lattice distortion. When x=1, i.e., all Gd3+ are placed by Ce4+, the product was not Ce2Zr2O8, but a phase separated mixture of tetra nal (Zr0.88Ce0.12)O2 and an ideal fluorite (Ce0.75Zr0.25)O2. Leach rate measurements indicated that the leach rate of Gd3+, Zr4+, Ce4+ was low when x≤0.2, but increased significantly when x≥0.4. This suggests that the substitution rate of Pu4+ for Gd3+ should not be more than 40% when Gd2Zr2O7 used as the host matrix for Pu4+.
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