Citation: YUAN Zai-Wu, YUAN Jing, LÜ Xin, ZHANG Jian, XU Gui-Ying. Research Progress on the Interactions between Polysaccharides and Surfactants[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2013, 29(03): 449-459. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201212283 shu

Research Progress on the Interactions between Polysaccharides and Surfactants

  • Received Date: 15 October 2012
    Available Online: 28 December 2012

    Fund Project: 国家科技重大专项基金(2011ZX05024-004-08) (2011ZX05024-004-08)中国博士后科学基金(2012M511491)资助项目 (2012M511491)

  • Polysaccharides are naturally occurring, nontoxic, safe, and abundant. However, the properties and functions of polysaccharides can be improved by mixing them with surfactants because of synergistic effects between them. The association of surfactants with polysaccharide chains can be regulated in aqueous systems through electrostatic, hydrophobic, dipolar, and hydrogen bonding interactions and steric hindrance effects, resulting in changes in the critical aggregation concentration (cac), critical micelle concentration (cmc), binding amount, surface adsorption, and interfacial rheology of aqueous systems. In this paper, recent progress of research on mixed systems of polysaccharides and surfactants, including measurement methods, are summarized. The physicochemical properties and interaction mechanisms of these mixed systems are explored.

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