LIU Bei-Ping, TAN Zhi-Cheng. Thermodynamic Properties of Nd(Gly)2Cl3·3H2O and Pr(Ala)3Cl3·3H2O[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica,
;2013, 29(01): 17-22.
The heat capacities of rare earth complexes, Nd(Gly)2Cl3·3H2O and Pr(Ala)3Cl3·3H2O were measured with a high-precision automatic adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range from 80 to 357 K for Nd(Gly)2Cl3·3H2O, and from 80 to 374 K for Pr(Ala)3Cl3·3H2O. The thermodynamic functions (HT?H298.15) and (ST?S298.15) relative to the reference temperature 298.15 K of the two compounds were calculated based on experimental heat capacity data. Possible mechanisms of thermal decompositions were proposed according to the thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. Based on the measurements of dissolution enthalpies using a solution-reaction isoperibol calorimeter, the standard molar enthalpies of formation were calculated in terms of a designed Hess thermochemical cycle.
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