FAN Hai-Bin, ZHANG Dong-Feng, GUO Lin. Fabrication, Formation Mechanism and the Photocatalytic Properties of Hierarchical Porous Hematite Networks[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica
Hierarchical porous hematite (HPH) network structures were successfully constructed using an improved polymerization induced colloid aggregation process with Fe(NO3)3·9H2O as the raw material. The polymerization between urea and formaldehyde into urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin is the key factor for this construction. The UF resins appear to be advantageous in two respects: the UF oli mer hybrids with ferric hydroxide (Fe-UF) and UF polymer formed microcapsules (UFM) acted as templates to induce the aggregation of Fe-UF hybrids into mesoporous spheres. The further crosslink reactions among the hybrid spheres generate the network structure. After calcination, the decomposition of the UF resin and the UFM produces nanopores in the nanorod subunits and macropores in the network structure, respectively. The photodegradation activity of the unique structured HPH is four times that of the commercial hematite nanoparticles with rhodamine B (RhB) as pollutant.
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