Citation: XU Fei-Yan, LIU Li-Jun, QIN Jian, LIU Bei, MEI Shuang. Solution-Phase Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Copper Surface with Dual Scale Roughness[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2012, 28(03): 693-698. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201201111 shu

Solution-Phase Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Copper Surface with Dual Scale Roughness

  • Received Date: 4 November 2011
    Available Online: 11 January 2012

    Fund Project: 中国纺织工业协会(2011054)资助项目 (2011054)

  • A copper sulfide film with dual scale micro- and nano-structured roughness was constructed on copper foil via a facile solution-phase method using the sodium thiosulphate and cupric chloride as raw materials. The resulting film was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrometer, and contact angle measurements. After stearic acid hydrophobization, the film exhibited a water contact angle of 161° and a sliding angle of 2.5° for a 5 μL water droplet. The superhydrophobicity was attributed to a combination of the dual scale roughness at the micro- and nano-meter levels and the low surface energy of the stearic acid coating. This is a simple synthetic methodology requiring no complex or harsh equipment. The copper surface obtained has the excellent non-sticking property, long-term storage stability, and relatively od anti-abrasion property.
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