Citation: SHI Ji-Cheng, XU Hong-Feng, LU Lu, FU Jie. Synthesis and Characterization of Nd2Fe14B/PANI and Its Function during the Oxygen Transfer Process[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2011, 27(11): 2625-2631. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20111133 shu

Synthesis and Characterization of Nd2Fe14B/PANI and Its Function during the Oxygen Transfer Process

  • Received Date: 25 July 2011
    Available Online: 20 September 2011

    Fund Project: 国家自然科学基金(20976018) (20976018)辽宁省高校优秀人才支持计划(2008RC09)资助项目 (2008RC09)

  • Nd2Fe14B/PANI magnetic powder was prepared by ball milling and in-situ polymerization. The samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The function of Nd2Fe14B/PANI in the oxygen transfer process was determined using an electrochemical three electrode system and a zinc air battery. The results showed that Nd2Fe14B/PANI was a one-dimensional lamellar nanostructured material with an electrical conductivity of 0.54 S·cm-1, an intrinsic coercive force of 149.57 kA·m-1, and a residual magnetization of 20.27 A·m2·kg-1. For a 0.40 mg·cm-2 Nd2Fe14B/PANI load density the magnetic electrode reached a higher double electric layer capacitance, a smaller charge transfer resistance than a nonmagnetic electrode and the polarization current of the magnetic zinc air battery also increased. For a 3.60 mg·cm-2 load density the results were contrary to those of the 0.40 mg· cm-2 load density test. We found that the micro magnetic field promoted the oxygen transfer process and improved the zinc air battery performance when the Nd2Fe14B/PANI load density was less than 0.89 mg· cm-2. At a load density higher than 3.56 mg·cm-2, the micro magnetic field inhibited oxygen transfer and reduced the zinc air battery discharge performance. The PANI in this material also improved the zinc air battery discharge performance.
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