Citation: ZHENG Jing-Wu, LU Guo-Ying, QIAO Liang, JIANG Li-Qiang, JIANG Mei-Yan. Copper Electrodeposition from Non-Cyanide Alkaline Baths Containing Methylene Diphosphonic Acid as a Complexing Agent[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2011, 27(01): 143-148. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20110118 shu

Copper Electrodeposition from Non-Cyanide Alkaline Baths Containing Methylene Diphosphonic Acid as a Complexing Agent

  • Received Date: 20 July 2010
    Available Online: 2 December 2010

    Fund Project: 浙江省自然科学基金(Y406406)资助项目 (Y406406)

  • A cyanide-free alkaline copper deposition bath was developed using methylene diphosphonic acid (MDPA, H4L) as a complexing agent for Cu2+. The plating bath was investigated using potentiometric titrations, voltammetric curves, and polarization curves. The potentiometric titration gave dissociation constants for MDPA of: pK1=1.86, pK2=2.65, pK3=6.81, pK4=9.04, and the stability constants were: pKML= 10.65, pKML2 = 5.59, pKML3 = 2.50. Three different complex species were present in the bath as the pH increases: Cu(H3L)2, [Cu(H3L)(H2L)]-, and [Cu(H2L)2]2-. MDPA was found to be more likely to form complex species with Cu2+ than 1-hydroxyethylene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDPA) from pH 7 to pH 10. At pH 9, [Cu(H3L)(H2L)]- and [Cu(H2L)2]2- were reduced to Cu at the cathode. Compared with the HEDPA system at 10 °C the peak potential shifted to more negative values and the rate of diffusion was faster.

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