Citation: QIAO Gui-Min, REN Zhen-Jia, ZHANG Jun, HU Song-Qing, YAN You-Guo, TI Yang. Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Corrosive Medium Diffusion in Corrosion Inhibitor Membrane[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2010, 26(11): 3041-3046. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20101020 shu

Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Corrosive Medium Diffusion in Corrosion Inhibitor Membrane

  • Received Date: 6 May 2010
    Available Online: 9 September 2010

    Fund Project: 中国石油中青年创新基金(07E1021, 2008D-5006-02) (07E1021, 2008D-5006-02)山东省自然科学基金(Y2006B35)资助项目 (Y2006B35)

  • The corrosion inhibition mechanism of four 1-R1-2-undecyl-imidazoline inhibitors (R1: CH2COOH (A), CH2CH2OH (B), CH2CH2NH2 (C), H (D)) for carbon steel against carbon dioxide corrosion was investigated by molecular dynamics simulation, from the aspect of corrosive medium particle (H2O, H3O+, and HCO-3) diffusion to the metal surface hindered by the corrosion inhibitor membrane. The corrosion inhibition performance of these compounds was also evaluated by the theoretical method. The diffusion coefficients in various corrosion inhibitor membranes, the interaction energies between particles and membranes, and the self-diffusion performance of the membranes indicated that the four imidazoline inhibitors could form stable membranes, which could effectively limited the diffusion of corrosive medium particles to the metal surface, in order to inhibit or delay corrosion. With an increase in the polarity of the hydrophilic chain (R1), the ability of the membrane to hinder particle diffusion enhanced. The membrane was better at limiting the diffusion of charged particles (H3O+ and HCO-3) than that of a neutral particle (H2O). Based on the above analysis, we found that theoretically the corrosion inhibition performance of the four imidazoline inhibitors decreased as follows: A>B>C>D, which agrees with previous experimental results.


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