Citation: HU Song-Qing, HU Jian-Chun, FAN Cheng-Cheng, MI Si-Qi, ZHANG Jun, GUO Wen-Yue. Corrosion Inhibition of Q235 Steel by a Novel Imidazoline Compound under H2S and CO2 Coexistence[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, ;2010, 26(08): 2163-2170. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20100809 shu

Corrosion Inhibition of Q235 Steel by a Novel Imidazoline Compound under H2S and CO2 Coexistence

  • Received Date: 6 January 2010
    Available Online: 11 June 2010

    Fund Project: 中石油中青年创新基金(2008D-5006-02) (2008D-5006-02)中石化普光气田缓蚀剂技术研究项目(309003) (309003)国家大学生创新实验计划项目(091042546)资助 (091042546)

  • We synthesized a new imidazoline compound, 1-(2-amido-thioureaethyl)- 2-pentadecyl-imidazoline (IM-S). The corrosion inhibition performance and adsorption behavior for mild steel corrosion under H2S and CO2 coexistence were investigated by weight loss method, polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results indicated that IM-S had excellent corrosion inhibition performance, and both cathodic and anodic processes of mild steel corrosion were suppressed. The highest inhibition efficiency was 92.74%. We found that the adsorption of IM-S on mild steel could be fitted to a Langmuir isotherm equation, and it belonged to a mix-type adsorption, which was mainly dominated by chemisorption. The relationship between the molecular structure of IM-S and the inhibition efficiency was investigated using quantum chemical calculations.

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