艾俊哲, 郭兴蓬, 屈钧娥, 陈振宇. 咪唑啉酰胺在电偶电极表面的吸附行为[J]. 物理化学学报,
2005, 21(10): 1096-1101.
Citation: AI Jun-zhe, GUO Xing-peng, QU Jun-e, CHEN Zhen-yu. Adsorption Behavior of Imidazoline Amide on the Surface of Galvanic Electrode[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2005, 21(10): 1096-1101. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20051007
Citation: AI Jun-zhe, GUO Xing-peng, QU Jun-e, CHEN Zhen-yu. Adsorption Behavior of Imidazoline Amide on the Surface of Galvanic Electrode[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2005, 21(10): 1096-1101. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20051007
采用原子力显微镜技术研究了有机阳离子缓蚀剂(咪唑啉酰胺)在电偶电极表面的吸附行为, 并探讨了其腐蚀抑制机理. 结果表明, 金属表面的过剩电荷较大地影响缓蚀剂分子的吸附行为. 在1%的NaCl溶液中, 碳钢电极表面带有过剩的负电荷;不锈钢电极表面带有过剩的正电荷;碳钢电极和不锈钢电极耦合后, 其表面分别带有过剩的正电荷和负电荷. 在耦合前阳离子缓蚀剂分子仅吸附在碳钢表面, 耦合后缓蚀剂分子在偶对的阴极(不锈钢)和阳极(碳钢)表面均有吸附, 但缓蚀剂分子在碳钢表面的吸附强度和覆盖度较之耦合前降低, 缓蚀剂的腐蚀抑制能力减弱.
Adsorption Behavior of Imidazoline Amide on the Surface of Galvanic Electrode
The adsorption behavior of imidazoline amide as a cationic inhibitor for inhibiting galvanic corrosion has been investigated by using electrochemical methods and atomic force microscopy (AFM) technology. The results show that the adsorption behavior of the inhibitor is significantly affected by the excess charge on the metal surface. Carbon steel and stainless steel carry negative and positive excess charges when they are immersed in 1% NaCl solution, respectively. The inhibitor adsorbs on the surface of carbon steel, while it does not adsorb on the surface of stainless steel in aqueous NaCl solution. When the two metals are electrically coupled in NaCl solution, positive and negative excess charges are carried on the carbon steel and the stainless steel, respectively. The inhibitor can adsorb on the surfaces of both carbon steel and stainless steel. However, in this case, the surface coverage of the inhibitor film formed on the carbon steel decreases compared with that on the surface of single carbon steel, and the adsorbability of the inhibitor on the surface of carbon steel is weakened.
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