Citation: Zhang Hao-Li, Zhang Jin, Zhao Jiang, Wang Yong-Qiang, She Jin, Yu Hua-Zhong, Li Hu-Lin, Liu Zhong-Fan. New Approach on the Synthesis of Functionalized Alkanethiols and the Structural Characterization of Their Self-Assembled Monolayers[J]. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 1997, 13(06): 515-524. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970608

提出了一种简便通用的合成巯基化合物的途径,以分子中的羧基CO2H为起始基团,与2-巯基乙胺的氨基选择性缩合;合成了一系列具有RC(O)NHCH2CH2SH(R分别为偶氯苯衍生物,双炔衍生物及直链烷基)结构的化合物. 并用接触角测量,电化学和掠角反射红外光谱(GIR-IR)等手段对这些化合物在金表面形成的自组装单分子膜进行了表征. 发现4-(N-(2’-巯基已基))酰胺偶氮苯的自组装膜表现出良好的电活性,电化学测定表面浓度为4.21×10(-10)mol•cm(-2). 当R为烷基链时,随烷基链的增长,膜的致密度与有序度增加. GIR-IR证明在自组装膜中CH3(CH2)6C(O)NHCH2CH2SH的C=O和N-H键与Au表面平行,分子轴线与Au表面近似垂直.
New Approach on the Synthesis of Functionalized Alkanethiols and the Structural Characterization of Their Self-Assembled Monolayers
A simple and general method for synthesizing functionalized alkanethiols is reported. The synthesis started from carboxylic acid, RCOOH, which was selectively condensed with the amino group of 2-aminoethanethiol, thus giving the targetting thiol compounds. A series of thiol compounds having a structure of RC(O)NHCH2CH2SH, where R was azobenzene derivatives, dicetylene derivatives and n-akanes, respectively, have been synthesized using this method. The self-assembled monolayers(SAMs) of these species were characterized by wettability measurement, electrochemistry and grazing incidence refletance infrared spectroscopy(GIR-IR). The SAM from 4((N-(2’-mercaptrvethyl)amino)carbonyl) azobenzene showed clearcut electrochemical reactivity in aqueous solution, in which the surface coverage was evaluated to be 4.21×10-10mol•cm-2. On the other hand, for the thiols of R being n-alkanes, the packing structures became gradually improved with increasing the alkyl chain length. For CH3(CH2)6C(O)NHCH2CH2SH SAM, GIR-IR data indicate that the C=O and N-H groups are parallel with the substrate surface while the whole molecular axis is perpendicular to the surface.

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