李新学. 逆向思维法在普通化学稀溶液沸点升高和凝固点降低教学中的应用[J]. 大学化学,
2024, 39(11): 359-364.
Citation: Xinxue Li. The Application of Reverse Thinking in Teaching of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression of Dilute Solutions in General Chemistry[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(11): 359-364. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202401075

Citation: Xinxue Li. The Application of Reverse Thinking in Teaching of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression of Dilute Solutions in General Chemistry[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(11): 359-364. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202401075

The Application of Reverse Thinking in Teaching of Boiling Point Elevation and Freezing Point Depression of Dilute Solutions in General Chemistry
With the framework of general chemistry, this study proposes integrating the reverse thinking methodology into the curriculum to elucidate the concepts of boiling point elevation and freezing point depression of dilute solutions. This innovative pedagogical approach aims to foster a culture of critical questioning, analytical skills, self-motivation for autonomous learning, creativity, and exploration among university students.
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