陈露洪, 张艳. 化生医药交叉平台推动的化生交叉学科建设与研究生培养——南京大学化学和生物医药创新研究院的探索与实践[J]. 大学化学,
2024, 39(6): 12-16.
Citation: Luhong Chen, Yan Zhang. Chem&Bio Interdisciplinary Graduates Training in Nanjing University Promoted by Chemistry and Biomedicine Innovation Center[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(6): 12-16. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202311089

Citation: Luhong Chen, Yan Zhang. Chem&Bio Interdisciplinary Graduates Training in Nanjing University Promoted by Chemistry and Biomedicine Innovation Center[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(6): 12-16. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202311089

Chem&Bio Interdisciplinary Graduates Training in Nanjing University Promoted by Chemistry and Biomedicine Innovation Center
With the advancement of multi-discipline studies, how to promote interdisciplinary research and to train graduate students with motivation and ability to perform chemistry-related interdisciplinary studies has become a topic of great interest for universities with chemistry departments. Based on the experiences of developing the interdisciplinary research field of chemical biology at Nanjing University, this article demonstrates a practical way to promote chemistry-related interdisciplinary research and graduate student training through the construction of well-organized platforms such as the Chemistry and Biomedicine Innovation Center (ChemBIC) at Nanjing University.
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朱婷玉,张晖,章文伟,叶德举,李金波,谢然.大学化学, 2022,37(2), 2109028.

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