Citation: Pingping Zhu, Yongjun Xie, Yuanping Yi, Yu Huang, Qiang Zhou, Shiyan Xiao, Haiyang Yang, Pingsheng He. Excavation and Extraction of Ideological and Political Elements for the Virtual Simulation Experiments at Molecular Level: Taking the Project “the Simulation and Computation of Conformation, Morphology and Dimensions of Polymer Chains” as an Example[J]. University Chemistry, 2024, 39(2): 83-88. doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202309063

- 分子水平上的虚拟仿真实验
- / 量变引起质变
- / 科学思维
- / 诺贝尔奖成果
- / 高分子链的柔性
Excavation and Extraction of Ideological and Political Elements for the Virtual Simulation Experiments at Molecular Level: Taking the Project “the Simulation and Computation of Conformation, Morphology and Dimensions of Polymer Chains” as an Example
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