Citation: Guang-Zeng CHENG, Shuai LIU, Huan-Lei WANG. Potential High-Performance Anode Material for Potassium Ion Batteries: Antimony[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, ;2021, 38(2): 170-180. doi: 10.19894/j.issn.1000-0518.200243 shu

Potential High-Performance Anode Material for Potassium Ion Batteries: Antimony

  • Corresponding author: Shuai LIU, Huan-Lei WANG,
  • Received Date: 13 August 2020
    Accepted Date: 16 October 2020

    Fund Project: the Shandong Provincial Key R & D Plan and the Public Welfare Special Program, China 2019GGX102038the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 201822008the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 201941010the Qingdao City Programs for Science and Technology Plan Projects 19-6-2-77-cg


  • In recent years, with the increasing demand for energy storage devices, potassium ion batteries have attracted more and more attention. The physical and chemical properties of potassium is similar to those of lithium, and the reserve of potassium in the earth's crust is abundant, so potassium ion battery has a promising prospect in the field of energy storage. However, due to the fact that the actual capacity of electrode materials is far less than the theoretical capacity, the performance of potassium ion battery is still inadequate. Metallic antimony has a high theoretical capacity and is widely investigated as electrodes. However, too large volume change during charging-discharging process leads to the poor stability. The structural stability can be improved by controlling the morphology, alloying and introducing carbon framework. In this paper, the research progress of antimony materials as anodes for potassium ion batteries is introduced, and the application of antimony electrode is prospected.
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