Citation: GAO Nan,  WANG Shuai-Peng,  LIU Xu,  XIA Da-Cheng,  CAI Zhi-Wei,  CHANG Gang,  HE Yun-Bin. Controllable Preparation of Ag-Au Bimetallic Nanotubes for Non-invasive Detection of Glucose in Sweat[J]. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, ;2021, 49(10): 1640-1648. doi: 10.19756/j.issn.0253-3820.210601 shu

Controllable Preparation of Ag-Au Bimetallic Nanotubes for Non-invasive Detection of Glucose in Sweat

  • Corresponding author: CHANG Gang,  HE Yun-Bin, 
  • Received Date: 1 July 2021
    Revised Date: 3 August 2021

    Fund Project: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.51672074, 11774082, 11975093), the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China (No.2019CFA006) and the Wuhan Application Foundation Frontier Project (No.201801041011287).

  • Real-time monitoring of blood glucose levels is of great significance for the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic patients. However, traditional enzymatic minimally invasive determinations have problems such as low stability and poor experience. By using silver nanowires as a template, high-quality Ag-Au bimetallic nanotubes (Ag-Au BMNTs/GCE) could be successfully prepared by a one-step Galvanic replacement reaction to realize the non-enzymatic and non-invasive measurement of glucose. By optimizing the content of HAuCl4, the morphology and composition of Ag-Au bimetallic nanotubes could be controlled. The research results showed that the Ag-Au BMNTs/GCE had a wide detection range for glucose detection (1 μmol/L-3.79 mmol/L, 3.79 mmol/L-13.79 mmol/L), high sensitivity (154.09 μA/(mmol/L), 60.77 μA/(mmol/L)) and low detection limit (1 μmol/L). At the same time, the sensor showed good anti-interference performance and stability, and was successfully applied to the accurate determination of glucose content in human sweat, which indicated that the electrochemical sensor based on Ag-Au BMNTs had potential application value in the field of non-enzyme and non-invasive blood glucose detection.
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