Citation: Ping JU, Xi-Cheng LIU, En-Sheng ZHANG. A Novel 3D Zn-based Luminescence Metal-organic Framework: Synthesis, Structure and Fluorescence Enhanced Sensing of Ammonia Vapor in Air[J]. Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry, ;2020, 39(8): 1458-1464. doi: 10.14102/j.cnki.0254–5861.2011–2627 shu

A Novel 3D Zn-based Luminescence Metal-organic Framework: Synthesis, Structure and Fluorescence Enhanced Sensing of Ammonia Vapor in Air

  • Corresponding author: En-Sheng ZHANG,
  • Received Date: 29 September 2019
    Accepted Date: 10 February 2020

    Fund Project: Natural Science Foundation and Innovative Talents Promotion Plan of Shaanxi Province 2019KJXX-075Natural Science Foundation and Innovative Talents Promotion Plan of Shaanxi Province 2018JQ2079Natural Science Foundation and Innovative Talents Promotion Plan of Shaanxi Province 2018JQ2040


  • A three-dimensional (3D) zinc metal-organic framework (MOF), Zn4(µ4-O)(bcd)3 (complex 1) has been synthesized by using 1-[bis(4-carboxylphenyl)methyl]-1, 3-diazole (H2bcd) and Zn(NO3)2·6H2O under hydrothermal conditions. The structure has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and further characterized by elemental analyses, IR spectra, powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and thermogravimetric analyses (TGA). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses reveal that complex 1 crystallizes in trigonal system, space group R\begin{document}$ \stackrel{-}{3} $\end{document} with a = 23.0521(6), b = 23.0521(6), c = 15.3326(6) Å, γ = 120º, V = 7056.2(4) Å3, Z = 6, C54H36N6O13Zn4, Mr = 1242.37, Dc = 1.754 g/cm3, F(000) = 3756, the final R = 0.0411 and wR = 0.1007 for 2743 observed reflections (I > 2σ(I)). Complex 1 consists of a 3D network constructed by four nuclear clusters Zn4(µ4-O)(COO)6N3 and the bcd2- ligand. Interestingly, 1 exhibits strong luminescent emission in solid state at room temperature and could be used as a qualitative fluorescence enhancing sensor for ammonia vapor in air.
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