Citation: WANG Lei, GONG Yongji. Research Progress of Intercalation Methods of Two-Dimensional Materials[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, ;2020, 37(8): 855-864. doi: 10.11944/j.issn.1000-0518.2020.08.200086 shu

Research Progress of Intercalation Methods of Two-Dimensional Materials

  • Corresponding author: GONG Yongji,
  • Received Date: 23 March 2020
    Revised Date: 6 May 2020
    Accepted Date: 2 June 2020


  • Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted widespread attention due to their unique electrical, optical, and magnetic properties, and how to modify two-dimensional materials is a research hotspot. The intercalation method is one of the main methods of improving the properties of 2D materials. During the intercalation process, guest particles are inserted between the van der Waals layers of the host material, causing changes in the physical and chemical properties of the 2D materials. Gas phase intercalation, liquid phase intercalation, and solid phase intercalation can improve properties of 2D materials. This article mainly introduces the intercalation methods of 2D materials, analyzes their advantages and drawbacks, and proposes how to apply intercalation methods to improve electrical, optical properties of 2D materials.
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