Citation: MIAO Zhongshuo, MEN Yongfeng. Crystallization and Melting Behaviors of Poly(1, 4-cyclohexylene Dimethylene Terephthalate) Studied by Fast-Scan Calorimetry[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry, ;2020, 37(6): 642-649. doi: 10.11944/j.issn.1000-0518.2020.06.190359 shu

Crystallization and Melting Behaviors of Poly(1, 4-cyclohexylene Dimethylene Terephthalate) Studied by Fast-Scan Calorimetry

  • Corresponding author: MEN Yongfeng,
  • Received Date: 30 December 2019
    Revised Date: 9 February 2020
    Accepted Date: 10 March 2020

    Fund Project: the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 51525305Supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(No.51525305)


  • The crystallization and melting behavior of poly(1, 4-cyclohexylene dimethylene terephthalate) (PCT) was studied by fast scanning calorimetry (FSC) combined with traditional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in the range of near glass transition temperature and melting temperature (100~270 ℃). The crystallization rate of PCT is faster when the supercooling degree is larger. FSC can effectively inhibit the crystallization of PCT during the cooling process while the traditional DSC can avoid the influence of sample degradation on the experimental results under the lower supercooling degrees. The combination of FSC and DSC can well measure the crystallization kinetics of PCT. The experimental results show that the crystallization rate is the fastest at 175 ℃. FSC is also used to measure the melting point dependence of heating rate after isothermal crystallization, and calibrated on the basis of the modeling of melting kinetics for the determination of the melting point at zero heating rate Tm. The Hoffman-Weeks plot of Tm against Tc with the intersection of Tc=Tm suggested the equilibrium melting point Tmo≅315 ℃ of chain-extended infinite-size crystals of PCT.
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