Fixable Fluorescent Probes:Reliable Tools for Mitochondrial Sensing and Imaging
- Corresponding author: XIAO Yi,
HUANG Zhenlong, CHEN Lingcheng, XIAO Yi. Fixable Fluorescent Probes:Reliable Tools for Mitochondrial Sensing and Imaging[J]. Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry,
;2017, 34(12): 1370-1378.
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(a)Confocal microscopy images of 1(5.0 μmol/L) and MitoTracker Red(MTR)(0.1 μmol/L) in fixed cells exposed to external media fixed at pH 5, 6, 7, and 8, respectively. (b)Intracellular pH calibration curve constructed by plotting Igreen/Ired vs pH. The dots are based on the average with the indicated standard error. The table provides the average pH values of the mitochondria in intact and nutrient-deprived cells. (c)Images of 1 and MTR in intact cells
A.Fluorescence imaging of Vis-A in 7721 cells; B.Fluorescence life time imaging of Vis-A in 7721 cells; C.Fluorescence lifetime distribution histogram for B; D.The fluorescence decay curve of point D in image B; E.Fluorescence imaging of Vis-B in 7721 cells; F.Fuorescence lifetime imaging of Vis-B in 7721 cells; G.Fluorescence lifetime distribution histogram for E; H.The fluorescence decay curve of point H in image F