First-principles study of adsorption of Cl2 and CO gas molecules by transition metal-doped g-GaN

Shuanglin TIAN Tinghong GAO Yutao LIU Qian CHEN Quan XIE Qingquan XIAO Yongchao LIANG

Citation:  Shuanglin TIAN, Tinghong GAO, Yutao LIU, Qian CHEN, Quan XIE, Qingquan XIAO, Yongchao LIANG. First-principles study of adsorption of Cl2 and CO gas molecules by transition metal-doped g-GaN[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2024, 40(6): 1189-1200. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230482 shu


    通讯作者: 高廷红,
  • 基金项目:

    国家自然科学基金 52262021

    国家自然科学基金 51761004

    贵州大学智能制造产教融合创新平台及研究生联合培养基地 2020-520000-83-01-324061

    贵州省自然科学基金 ZK[2021]051

    贵州省自然科学基金 ZK[2023]013

    贵州省智能服务工程技术研究中心 2203-520102-04-04-298868

    贵州省高层次创新型人才培养项目 (2015)4015

摘要: 基于密度泛函理论的第一性原理计算,系统研究了类石墨烯氮化镓(g-GaN)和掺杂过渡金属原子(TM)的g-GaN对Cl2和CO气体分子的吸附行为。结果表明,Cl2和CO在本征g-GaN上的吸附均为物理吸附,2个体系的吸附能均为正值,表明体系不稳定。相反,Cl2和CO在Fe和Co掺杂的g-GaN上吸附时的吸附能为负值,且吸附能较小,表明吸附体系稳定。通过分析态密度、电荷密度差和能带结构等性质,可以得出结论:过渡金属原子的引入能有效增强气体分子与g-GaN之间的相互作用。


  • Gaseous pollutants, such as Cl2 and CO, pose a potential threat to human health and the environment. Therefore, it is critical to develop efficient and accurate gas detection methods to ensure that our society and environment are protected. Cl2 is a toxic gas with strong irritating and corrosive properties. Inadvertent exposure to Cl2 in industrial production, laboratories, and daily life can cause serious harm to human health. Therefore, it is important to monitor the concentration of Cl2 in real time and take timely action to prevent accidents. CO is another common toxic gas mainly emitted from combustion processes, such as vehicle exhaust and home heating appliances. CO is a colorless, odorless gas, but inhalation at high concentrations may lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Therefore, carbon monoxide monitoring is a critical part of ensuring indoor and outdoor air quality.

    Graphene as the first two-dimensional (2D) material has received extensive attention from scientists for its excellent properties[1]. Graphene is characterized by a high surface area ratio, high thermal conductivity, and high electron mobility, giving it a large sensing area, and therefore can be used to improve the response speed of semiconductor gas sensors[2]. After the success of graphene, many 2D materials such as hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN)[3], silicene[4], and transition metal dihalides (TMDs)[5-7] have also received widespread attention, and they can also be used for gas sensors[8-9], photocatalysis[10], solar cells[11-12], and spintronic devices[13-14]. However, these materials are limited by some drawbacks, such as the zero bandgap of graphene, the excessively wide bandgap of h-BN, and the relatively low electron mobility of TMDs. Therefore, there is a need to find a semiconductor material with a non-zero wide bandgap and high electron mobility as a gas sensor. AI-Balushi et al. successfully synthesized 2D gallium nitride, also known as graphene-like GaN as a wide-bandwidth indirect bandgap semiconductor material with high electron mobility by migration‑enhanced encapsulation growth technique[15]. In recent years, the study of changing the properties of materials through doping has been increasingly favored[16-20]. Zhou et al. achieved a significant increase in the adsorption of SO2 and NO2 by introducing vacancy defects into graphene[21]. Cui et al. achieved an increase in the gas sensing ability by introducing vacancy defects into g-GaN[22]. The adsorption capacity of g-GaN was improved not only by introducing vacancy defects but also by doping. Chen et al. adsorbed H2S, NH3, and SO2 by single doping of g-GaN with Fe and Mn atoms and found that doping of transition metal atoms could improve the adsorption capacity of g-GaN on gas molecules[23]. Roohi et al. achieved efficient adsorption of SO2 and NO2 by doping g-GaN with Fe, Ni, and Zn atoms[24]. Therefore, it is a very effective method to improve the sensing ability of gallium nitride on gas molecules by doping.

    The first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) are implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP)[25-29]. The projector augmented wave (PAW)[30] potentials were used to describe the electron-ion interactions. For the exchange-correlation potential, we adopted the PBE functional with generalized gradient approximation (GGA)[31], while the electron-ion interaction was described by projected augmented wave potentials. The DFT-D3[32] method of Grimme was used to describe the weak dispersion forces. We chosed 500 eV as a kinetic energy cutoff for the plane wave basis sets. The crystal structure of g-GaN consists of a 4×4×1 supercell. All the atoms in the unit cells were relaxed until the force in each atom declined below 0.1 eV·nm-1, and the threshold energy convergence was set to 1×10-6 eV. The Brillouin zone integration was performed within Gamma centered Monkhorst-Pack scheme[33] using 10×10×1 k-points. The hexagonal unit cell or supercell was considered in the xy plane, whereas a vacuum layer of more than 1.8 nm was adopted in the z direction to exclude any interactions with neighboring cells. The initial adsorption distance selected in this paper was 0.25 nm. The adsorption energy (Ead) calculated for gas molecules adsorbed on top of intrinsic and transition metal atom doped g-GaN determines the most positively favorable adsorption sites in the geometry of the adsorption system. The adsorption energy is defined as:

    $ E_{\mathrm{ad}}=E_{\mathrm{g} \text {-GaN }+\mathrm{gas}}-E_{\mathrm{g} \text {-GaN }}-E_{\mathrm{gas}} $


    Where Eg-GaN+gas, Eg-GaN, and Egas are the adsorption system, g-GaN monolayer, and gas molecular energies, respectively. A positive value of adsorption energy implies that the adsorption process requires the absorption of heat to be realized, indicating that it is unfavorable for adsorption. Conversely, a negative value means that the adsorption process is exothermic, which is favorable for adsorption[23, 34-36]. In addition, the charge transfer between the g-GaN substrate and the gas molecules was calculated using Bader charge analysis, if its value is positive this means that the charge is transferred from the g-GaN substrate to the gas molecules[37]. It is calculated as the gain or loss of electrons from the nucleus of the gas molecule before and after adsorption.

    2.1.1   Stability and geometric structure

    In previous papers, phonon calculations show that the g-GaN is dynamically stable, and the calculated cohesive energy is -7.85 eV[38]. The lattice constant of g-GaN was calculated to be 0.358 nm, the bond length of Ga—N was 0.185 nm, and the bond angles of N—Ga—N and Ga—N—Ga were 120°, following previous literature[22, 39]. In this paper, to obtain the most stable adsorption configuration between gas molecules and g-GaN, the two possible initial adsorption sites of gas molecules, namely the top of the Ga atom and the top of the N atom, were considered. For Cl2, the two molecular orientations were parallel or perpendicular to the substrate. For CO gas molecules, four molecular orientations were tested at each adsorption site, namely when the molecular plane was parallel to the substrate, C atoms were at the top of Ga or N atoms, and when the molecular plane was perpendicular to the substrate, C or O atoms were closer to the substrate.

    As shown in Table 1, We calculated the adsorption energies, adsorption distances, adsorption distance change value, magnetic moments, and transferred charges for Cl2 and CO adsorption at different adsorption sites of intrinsic g-GaN. The adsorption distance was the perpendicular distance between the atom of a gas molecule close to the substrate and its closest atom in a straight line. A negative value for the change in adsorption distance indicates a smaller adsorption distance. It can be observed that most of them were positive, indicating that the intrinsic g-GaN is not strong for the adsorption of the two gas molecules. It is found that the most stable adsorption site for gas molecule Cl2 adsorption on g-GaN is the top of the Ga atom, the plane of the gas molecule is parallel to the substrate, and the adsorption energy is 0.340 eV. As shown in Fig. 1a, after structural optimization, the Cl2 molecule was decomposed into two Cl atoms, and the adsorption distance was reduced to 0.181 9 nm. As the adsorption energy is 0.340 eV, the energy ranges from 0.1-1.0 eV (9.6-96.5 kJ·mol-1) and is positive indicating that this adsorption process requires heat absorption, demonstrating that the system is unstable physisorption. For the CO gas molecule, the most stable adsorption site is the gas molecule parallel to the base and the O atom is located on top of the N atom, and its adsorption energy is 1.083 eV. As shown in Fig. 1b the two atoms of the CO molecule were not in the same plane, and the C atom was closer to the base, and the adsorption distance increased to 0.302 nm. It is worth noting that the positive adsorption energy, the large adsorption distance, and the small transferred charge indicate that the interaction between the gas molecules and the substrate is weak. By calculating the data of adsorption energy and adsorption distance of gas molecules adsorbed at different sites, it can be inferred that the intrinsic g-GaN adsorption capacity for both gas molecules is weak. A comparison of the adsorption systems reveals that the larger the adsorption distance, the larger the adsorption energy, the smaller the transferred charge, and the more unstable the system. It was found that the systems were still non-magnetic after the adsorption of gas molecules.

    Table 1

    Table 1.  Ead, adsorption height (d), adsorption distance change value (a), magnetic moments (Mtot), charge of transfer (C), and band gap (Eg) of gas molecules adsorbed on g-GaN systems
    下载: 导出CSV
    Adsorption style Site Ead / eV d / nm a / nm Mtot / μB C / e Eg / eV
    GaN 0 2.182
    Cl2 parallel 0.340 0.182 -0.068 0 0.703 1.805
    Ga top-vertical 0.587 0.396 0.146 0 0.143
    N top-parallel 0.698 0.244 -0.006 0 0.306
    CO Ga top-parallel 1.690 0.372 0.122 0 0.108
    Ga top-vertical-C 1.106 0.297 0.047 0 0.015
    Ga top-vertical-O 1.134 0.320 0.070 0 0.014
    N top-parallel 1.083 0.302 0.052 0 0.027 2.209
    N top-vertical-C 1.676 0.363 0.113 0 0.020
    N top-vertical-O 1.153 0.350 0.100 0 0.010

    Figure 1

    Figure 1.  Top and side views of the most stable adsorption configurations of (a) Cl2 and (b) CO adsorbed on g-GaN
    2.1.2   Electronic properties

    To better understand the effect of gas molecule adsorption on the electronic properties of g-GaN, the band structure of the system was investigated. As shown in Fig. 2, the band structure of g-GaN with the two adsorption systems was plotted. The results show that the spin-up and spin-down channels were symmetric, indicating that the adsorption system is nonmagnetic. Compared with the g-GaN band structure (Fig. 2a), the Cl2 adsorption system was found to have a significantly higher number of conduction bands around 3.5 eV and a significantly higher number of valence bands between -1 and -2 eV. And its band gap decreased to 1.805 eV (Fig. 2b). For the CO adsorption system, compared to the intrinsic g-GaN, the number of energy bands increased between 2-3 eV with little change in valence bands, and the band gap increased to 2.209 eV (Fig. 2c). The small change in the band gap due to adsorption induced by gas molecules results in a change of conductivity, which involves the sensitivity of the electrical signal in gas sensing. Therefore, intrinsic g-GaN is expected to be used in suitable devices for Cl2 and CO gas detection.

    Figure 2

    Figure 2.  Band structures of (a) g-GaN, (b) Cl2 adsorbed on g-GaN, (c) CO adsorbed on g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Blue lines represent spin-up, and red lines represent spin-down; Fermi level was shifted to zero.

    Fig. 3 shows the total density of states (DOS) and the partial density of states (PDOS) plots of g-GaN for adsorbed and unadsorbed gas molecules. From the DOS of Cl2 adsorbed on g-GaN plotted in Fig. 3a, it can be seen that an unoccupied DOS peak appeared at 1.7 eV, which is mainly contributed by the 3p state of the Cl atom and the 2p state of the nearest N atom at the adsorption site, and appears to overlap significantly. Therefore, there is orbital hybridization between the Cl atom and the N atom at the adsorption site. After Bader charge analysis, it is found that Cl2 acts as an acceptor to accept electrons in each adsorption system. As shown in Fig. 3b, the DOS of CO adsorption on g-GaN can be seen as an unoccupied DOS peak at 2.7 eV, which can be seen by the PDOS to be mainly contributed by the 2p state of the O atom and the 2p state of the nearest N atom at the adsorption site, with an obvious overlap, indicating the existence of orbital hybridization between the O atom and the N atom at the adsorption site. In addition to this, the total DOS of the CO adsorption system and intrinsic g-GaN could be seen to be not significantly different near the Fermi energy level. And since there is no orbital hybridization between the C atom of the CO gas molecule and the substrate, and there is little charge transfer between the gas molecule and the substrate and the adsorption distance, it follows that the CO adsorption on g-GaN is physisorbed.

    Figure 3

    Figure 3.  Total DOS and PDOS of (a) Cl2 and (b) CO adsorbed on g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Fermi level was set to zero energy and indicated by the black dashed line.

    The charge density difference (CDD) can clearly show the interaction and charge transfer between gas molecules and g-GaN. Fig. 4 shows the differential charge density maps of two gas molecules adsorbed on g-GaN for stable adsorption configurations, calculated as Eq.2.

    $ \Delta \rho=\rho_{\text {total }}-\rho_{\mathrm{g}_\mathrm{-GaN}}-\rho_{\mathrm{gas}} $


    Figure 4

    Figure 4.  Top and side views of the CDD of (a) Cl2 and (b) CO adsorbed on g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Isosurface value was taken at 3 e•nm-3 for a, and 0.1 e•nm-3 for b; Yellow and cyan regions correspond to charge accumulation and depletion, respectively.

    where ρtotal, ρg-GaN, and ρgas are the charge densities of the gas adsorbed on intrinsic g-GaN, intrinsic g-GaN, and gas molecules, respectively. Fig. 4a shows the CDD diagram of Cl2 adsorption on g-GaN, from which it was clear that the charge accumulation mainly occurred on the gas molecules, and the charge dissipation mainly appeared on the g-GaN of the substrate. Fig. 4b shows the CDD of CO adsorption on g-GaN, and it can be seen that both CO gas molecules and the nearest N and Ga atoms at the adsorption site showed charge accumulation and loss, and the charge transfer by Bader charge analysis was only 0.027e. The charge accumulation and dissipation for both adsorption systems are consistent with the calculated charge transfer directions.

    2.2.1   Stability and geometric structure

    To improve the sensitivity of g-GaN to gas molecules, we investigated the effect of TM (Fe and Co) doping on the adsorption of gas molecules on g-GaN. Gas molecules were initially placed on top of TM atoms using different molecular orientations. The experimentally calculated data for each doped adsorption system are shown in Table 2. Calculated results show that the adsorption energy by doping Fe and Co was significantly smaller and became negative. As shown in Fig. 5a and 5b, for the Fe-doped g-GaN adsorbed gas molecule, after structural optimization, it was found that Cl2 decomposed into two Cl atoms and bonded to Fe and Ga atoms, respectively. The adsorption energy was -5.522 eV and the adsorption distance was 0.218 nm. Compared with the adsorption of Cl2 via noble metal doped SnS2 done by the previous work, the adsorption system in this paper is more stable and the doped element is a non-precious metal, which is more cost- effective[40]. The C atom in the CO gas molecule bonded to the Fe atom and the CO molecule became slightly tilted from the initial perpendicular to the substrate after structural optimization. Due to the bonding, the bonded Fe and Ga atoms in the substrate were bulged. Its adsorption energy was -3.574 eV, which was smaller than that of CO on C-doped g-GaN, and the adsorption distance was also smaller[41]. Calculations show that the Fe doping greatly improves the adsorption capacity of g-GaN for Cl2 and CO, and the adsorption process becomes exothermic instead of absorbing heat, which makes the adsorption structure stable, and the charge transferred from g-GaN to the gas molecules becomes more and the adsorption distance decreases.

    Table 2

    Table 2.  Ead, Mtot, C, d, a, and Eg of gas molecules adsorbed on TM (Fe and Co) doped g-GaN systems
    下载: 导出CSV
    Adsorption style Site Ead / eV d / nm a / nm Mtot / μB C / e Eg / eV
    Ga15N16Fe 5 0.707
    Ga15N16Co 4 1.477
    Cl2 Fe top-parallel -5.522 0.218 0.032 3 1.092 0.439
    Fe top-vertical -4.241 0.235 -0.015 3 -0.157
    Co top-parallel -3.025 0.226 -0.024 4 1.121 0.420
    Co top--vertical -1.813 0.230 -0.020 4 0.614
    CO Fe top-parallel -3.396 0.326 0.076 5 0.031
    Fe top-vertical-C -3.574 0.177 -0.073 3 0.208 0.239
    Fe top-vertical-O -3.355 0.303 0.053 5 0.015
    Co top-parallel -1.079 0.357 0.107 4 0.088
    Co top-vertical-C -1.836 0.169 -0.081 2 0.171 0.420
    Co top-vertical-O -1.508 0.345 0.095 4 0.013

    Figure 5

    Figure 5.  Top and side views of the most stable adsorption configurations of (a, c) Cl2 and (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe- and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN

    As shown in Fig. 5c and 5d, for Co-doped g-GaN adsorbed gas molecules, the stable adsorption structure was obtained by structure optimization, and it was found that the same as the Fe-doped adsorption system, the Cl2 decomposed into two Cl atoms and bonded to the substrate Co and Ga atoms, respectively, but unlike the Fe-doped system one of the Cl atoms was bonded to the substrate′s two Ga atoms, which was accompanied by bonding atom. The bulge of the bonded atoms was accompanied by a bulge. For CO adsorption, as in the Fe-doped system, the C atoms bonded with the dopant atoms Co and bulge, but the gas molecules were still oriented in the same way as in the initial state, i.e., perpendicular to the substrate. Its adsorption energy was -1.836 eV, which was smaller than that of CO on C-doped g-GaN, and the adsorption distance was also smaller, indicating that this adsorption system is more stable. This is a smaller and more stable adsorption energy for CO adsorption compared to Cui et al. who adsorbed CO through the introduction of a single vacancy defect to g-GaN[22]. By comparing the previous experimental results, it can be concluded that it is feasible to improve the adsorption capacity of g-GaN by doping in this paper.

    Comparison of the doped adsorption systems revealed that the larger the adsorption distance, the larger the adsorption energy, the smaller the corresponding transferred charge, and the more unstable the system. We found that for the most stable adsorption configuration after the adsorption of gas molecules, the magnetic moments are mostly reduced. In summary, the introduction of TM-doped atoms greatly improves the adsorption capacity of g-GaN for Cl2 and CO gas molecules compared to the intrinsic g-GaN adsorption of gas molecules.

    2.2.2   Electronic properties and magnetic properties

    Based on the most stable TM-doped g-GaN adsorption configuration, the band structures of TM-doped g-GaN and gas molecules adsorbed in TM-doped g-GaN were calculated as shown in Fig. 6. The energy bands of TM-doped g-GaN and gas molecules adsorbed in the TM-doped g-GaN system can be seen in the figure, and the spin-up and spin-down channels were asymmetric, implying that the spin-simplex state is broken, suggesting the presence of magnetism. Calculations show that the gas molecules are nonmagnetic semiconductors when adsorbed and not adsorbed on intrinsic g-GaN. Therefore, we can conclude that the magnetic moment of the adsorbed system originates from the TM dopant. The magnetic moments of the Fe- and Co-doped doped systems were calculated to be 5μB and 4μB per unit cell, respectively, whereas it was found that the magnetic moments of the adsorbed systems decreased after Cl2 and CO adsorbed on the two doped systems except for Cl2 adsorbed on the Co-doped system whose magnetic moment was still 4μB per unit cell. This suggests that the gas molecules in the three adsorbed systems have stronger interactions with the substrate and that the magnetic moments of the doped systems may be partially quenched by the adsorbed gas molecules. As shown in Fig. 7, the spin state density plots of Cl2 and CO adsorbed on Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN, it can be seen that in the four adsorption systems, the magnetism is mainly generated by the doped Fe and Co atoms in the substrate as well as their nearest neighboring N atoms and that except for the small amount of magnetism when Cl2 adsorb on the Co-doped system which is introduced by one of the Cl atoms, the gas molecules in the other systems are involved in the magnetism introduction, consistent with the reduction of the magnetic moment above. As shown in Fig. 6, a comparison of the energy band diagrams of the adsorbed and unadsorbed gas molecule systems revealed that the band gap increased significantly near the Fermi energy level, which also led to a decrease in the band gap of the system after gas adsorption. As shown in Table 2, the bandgap of the gas adsorbed on the doped system was significantly smaller than that of the doped system with unadsorbed gas molecules, which indirectly indicates the strong interaction between the gas molecules and the substrate.

    Figure 6

    Figure 6.  Band structures of (a) Fe-doped g-GaN, (b) Cl2 and (c) CO adsorbed on Fe-doped g-GaN, (d) Co-doped g-GaN, (e) Cl2 and (f) CO adsorbed on Co-doped g-GaN

    Blue lines represent spin-up, and red lines represent spin-down; Fermi level was set to zero and indicated by the black dashed line.

    Figure 7

    Figure 7.  Top and side views of the spin densities for (a, c) Cl2, (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe-doped g-GaN and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN

    Isosurface value was taken at 10 e•nm-3; Red equivalence plane corresponds to the one with the most spin states.

    Next, the total DOS of TM-doped g-GaN with and without adsorption of gas molecules, as well as the PDOS of the gas molecules, TM atoms, and their nearest neighboring N atoms are shown in Fig. 8. As shown in Fig. 8a, the total DOS of Fe-doped g-GaN and Fe-doped g-GaN with adsorbed Cl2 had a nonzero band gap and spin polarization near the Fermi energy level, indicating that both the adsorbed and unadsorbed Cl2 systems are magnetic semiconductors. The PDOS analysis revealed that the adsorbed Cl2 exhibited spin peaks situated at -0.3 and 0.4 eV near the Fermi energy level, which were mainly contributed by Fe atoms′ 3d state. The 3d state of Fe atoms is strongly hybridized with the 3p state of Cl atoms, which enhances the interaction between Fe atoms and Cl atoms and improves the adsorption capacity of g-GaN for Cl2. As shown in Fig. 8b for the total DOS plots of CO adsorbed and unadsorbed on Fe-doped g-GaN, it can be seen that similar to the case of Cl2 adsorption, Fe-doped g-GaN remains as a magnetic semiconductor after adsorption of CO, and considering a small number of overlapping states appearing near the Fermi energy levels of -0.1 and 0.1 eV, it suggests that the introduction of dopant enhances the interactions between the CO and the substrate. These results also indicate that doping Fe enhances the adsorption capacity of g-GaN for both gas molecules, Cl2 and CO. As shown in Fig. 8c, the total DOS plots of Cl2 adsorbed and unadsorbed on Co-doped g-GaN, it can be seen that both adsorbed and unadsorbed were magnetic semiconductors. The PDOS analysis shows spin peaks at -0.3, 0.2, and 0.4 eV neared the Fermi energy level, and the 3d state of Co atoms was strongly hybridized with the 3p state of Cl atoms, suggesting that the Cl2 interacts strongly with the substrate. As shown in Fig. 8d, the total DOS of the Co-doped system with adsorbed and unadsorbed CO gas molecules can be seen as magnetic semiconductors as the Cl2 adsorbed system, with the difference that the spin peak appeared only in the spin-up channel at 0.7 eV. By PDOS analysis, only a small amount of 2p states of C and O were weakly hybridized with 3d of Co atoms near the Fermi energy level, indicating that Co doping can enhance the sensitivity of g-GaN to Cl2 and CO.

    Figure 8

    Figure 8.  Total DOS and PDOS of (a, c) Cl2, (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe-doped g-GaN and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Fermi level was set to zero energy and indicated by the black dashed lines.

    The CDD images of two gas molecules adsorbed on TM-doped g-GaN are shown in Fig 9. The CDD images of Cl2 adsorbed on Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN as shown in Fig. 9a and 9c indicate that the charge accumulation occurs mainly on the gas molecules and the electron loss occurs mainly on the doped substrate. Bader′s charge analysis shows that the gas molecule Cl2 acts as an electron acceptor during adsorption, and the charge transfer between the TM-doped g-GaN and Cl2 molecules was very large at 1.092e and 1.121e, respectively. Therefore, it can be seen that Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN can improve the adsorption capacity for Cl2. As shown in Fig. 9b and 9d, the CDD images of CO adsorption on Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN, it can be seen that, unlike the adsorption of Cl2 gas molecules, the electron accumulation mainly occurs between the gas molecules and the g-GaN substrate, and the electron loss mainly occurs on the substrate. The charge transfer is the same as that of Cl2 gas molecules, both gas molecules get electrons, but the size of the transferred charge is significantly smaller than that of the Cl2 gas adsorption system, which is 0.208e and 0.171e. Considering that the adsorption energies of the four adsorption systems are relatively small, the adsorption distances are small, and the charge transfer is obvious, it can be concluded that the adsorption of Cl2 and CO on the Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN is chemisorption.

    Figure 9

    Figure 9.  Top and side views of the charge density difference for (a, c) Cl2, (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe-doped g-GaN and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN

    Isosurface value was taken as 3 e•nm-3 for (a) and (c), 1 e•nm-3 for (b) and (d); Yellow and cyan regions correspond to charge accumulation and depletion, respectively.

    Gas sensors are widely used in many fields, and Ⅲ-Ⅴ monolayers have a potential application background in gas sensors due to their unique properties. Based on DFT, we have systematically investigated the adsorption properties of gas molecules (Cl2 and CO) on intrinsic g-GaN and doped g-GaN (Fe and Co mono-doped). Based on the calculation results were analyzed in terms of adsorption energy, Bader charge transfer, band structure, and density of electronic states. It is found that the doping of Fe and Co significantly alters the corresponding electronic and gas adsorption properties. The adsorption energies of Cl2 and CO adsorbed on doped g-GaN were much smaller than those adsorbed on intrinsic g-GaN. Cl2 can even be decomposed by adsorption on doped g-GaN. The charge density difference, Bader charge transfer, band structure, and electronic DOS indicate that there are strong interactions between both Cl2 and CO gas molecules and Fe- and Co-doped g-GaN, reflecting that the adsorption processes are all chemisorption. In summary, TM-doped g-GaN is expected to be a candidate material for effective adsorption or filtration of Cl2 and CO.

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  • Figure 1  Top and side views of the most stable adsorption configurations of (a) Cl2 and (b) CO adsorbed on g-GaN

    Figure 2  Band structures of (a) g-GaN, (b) Cl2 adsorbed on g-GaN, (c) CO adsorbed on g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Blue lines represent spin-up, and red lines represent spin-down; Fermi level was shifted to zero.

    Figure 3  Total DOS and PDOS of (a) Cl2 and (b) CO adsorbed on g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Fermi level was set to zero energy and indicated by the black dashed line.

    Figure 4  Top and side views of the CDD of (a) Cl2 and (b) CO adsorbed on g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Isosurface value was taken at 3 e•nm-3 for a, and 0.1 e•nm-3 for b; Yellow and cyan regions correspond to charge accumulation and depletion, respectively.

    Figure 5  Top and side views of the most stable adsorption configurations of (a, c) Cl2 and (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe- and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN

    Figure 6  Band structures of (a) Fe-doped g-GaN, (b) Cl2 and (c) CO adsorbed on Fe-doped g-GaN, (d) Co-doped g-GaN, (e) Cl2 and (f) CO adsorbed on Co-doped g-GaN

    Blue lines represent spin-up, and red lines represent spin-down; Fermi level was set to zero and indicated by the black dashed line.

    Figure 7  Top and side views of the spin densities for (a, c) Cl2, (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe-doped g-GaN and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN

    Isosurface value was taken at 10 e•nm-3; Red equivalence plane corresponds to the one with the most spin states.

    Figure 8  Total DOS and PDOS of (a, c) Cl2, (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe-doped g-GaN and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN based on the most stable configuration

    Fermi level was set to zero energy and indicated by the black dashed lines.

    Figure 9  Top and side views of the charge density difference for (a, c) Cl2, (b, d) CO adsorbed on (a, b) Fe-doped g-GaN and (c, d) Co-doped g-GaN

    Isosurface value was taken as 3 e•nm-3 for (a) and (c), 1 e•nm-3 for (b) and (d); Yellow and cyan regions correspond to charge accumulation and depletion, respectively.

    Table 1.  Ead, adsorption height (d), adsorption distance change value (a), magnetic moments (Mtot), charge of transfer (C), and band gap (Eg) of gas molecules adsorbed on g-GaN systems

    Adsorption style Site Ead / eV d / nm a / nm Mtot / μB C / e Eg / eV
    GaN 0 2.182
    Cl2 parallel 0.340 0.182 -0.068 0 0.703 1.805
    Ga top-vertical 0.587 0.396 0.146 0 0.143
    N top-parallel 0.698 0.244 -0.006 0 0.306
    CO Ga top-parallel 1.690 0.372 0.122 0 0.108
    Ga top-vertical-C 1.106 0.297 0.047 0 0.015
    Ga top-vertical-O 1.134 0.320 0.070 0 0.014
    N top-parallel 1.083 0.302 0.052 0 0.027 2.209
    N top-vertical-C 1.676 0.363 0.113 0 0.020
    N top-vertical-O 1.153 0.350 0.100 0 0.010
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    Table 2.  Ead, Mtot, C, d, a, and Eg of gas molecules adsorbed on TM (Fe and Co) doped g-GaN systems

    Adsorption style Site Ead / eV d / nm a / nm Mtot / μB C / e Eg / eV
    Ga15N16Fe 5 0.707
    Ga15N16Co 4 1.477
    Cl2 Fe top-parallel -5.522 0.218 0.032 3 1.092 0.439
    Fe top-vertical -4.241 0.235 -0.015 3 -0.157
    Co top-parallel -3.025 0.226 -0.024 4 1.121 0.420
    Co top--vertical -1.813 0.230 -0.020 4 0.614
    CO Fe top-parallel -3.396 0.326 0.076 5 0.031
    Fe top-vertical-C -3.574 0.177 -0.073 3 0.208 0.239
    Fe top-vertical-O -3.355 0.303 0.053 5 0.015
    Co top-parallel -1.079 0.357 0.107 4 0.088
    Co top-vertical-C -1.836 0.169 -0.081 2 0.171 0.420
    Co top-vertical-O -1.508 0.345 0.095 4 0.013
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  • 发布日期:  2024-06-10
  • 收稿日期:  2023-12-21
  • 修回日期:  2024-03-31
通讯作者: 陈斌,
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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