Citation: Weichen WANG, Chunhua GONG, Junyong ZHANG, Yanfeng BI, Hao XU, Jingli XIE. Construction of two metal-organic frameworks by rigid bis(triazole) and carboxylate mixed-ligands and their catalytic properties for CO2 cycloaddition reaction[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2024, 40(7): 1377-1386. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230415 shu

Construction of two metal-organic frameworks by rigid bis(triazole) and carboxylate mixed-ligands and their catalytic properties for CO2 cycloaddition reaction


  • Two metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) containing rigid bis(triazole) ligand, namely {[Zn2(L)(TP)2(H2O)·H2O]}n (1) and [Zn(L)(HTMA)]n (2), where L=4, 4'-(3, 3'-dimethyl-(1, 1'-biphenyl)-4, 4'-diyl)bis(4H-1, 2, 4-triazole), H2TP=terephthalic acid, H3TMA=1, 3, 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid, were synthesized by using acid-base mixed ligands strategy and structurally characterized by X-ray single-crystal diffraction. Structural analysis reveals that MOF 1 displays a 3, 6-connected 2D structure with a new topological point symbol of (42·6)2(48·66·8), while MOF 2 presents a 2D sql topology structure. The catalytic studies reveal that 2 exhibits excellent catalytic activity for the cycloaddition reaction of CO2 with epoxides under mild conditions. Furthermore, 2 can be reused at least three times while maintaining its catalytic ability.
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