Citation: Ning LI, Siyu DU, Xueyi WANG, Hui YANG, Tao ZHOU, Zhimin GUAN, Peng FEI, Hongfang MA, Shang JIANG. Preparation and efficient catalysis for olefins epoxidation of a polyoxovanadate-based hybrid[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2024, 40(4): 799-808. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.20230372 shu

Preparation and efficient catalysis for olefins epoxidation of a polyoxovanadate-based hybrid


  • A new polyoxovanadate compound [Co(pIM)V2O6] (1) was hydrothermally synthesized, where pIM stands for 2-(2-pyridyl)imidazole. For its characterizations, an integration of X-ray single crystal diffraction, powder X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectra, and elemental analysis was accomplished. The compound exhibited a 2D architecture composed of VO4 tetrahedra and CoO3N2 square pyramids via both edge - and corner - sharing. Considering the excellent catalytic oxidation features of polyoxovanadate, compound 1 was used as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the epoxidation of olefins with H2O2 as an oxidant, and could be reused without consuming activity. Besides, the magnetic studies indicated the antiferromagnetic interactions in 1.
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