Citation: Hong-Jian LI, Jun GU, Xiao-Fei SHI, Fu-Liang LIU, Xiao-Tao CHEN. High CO-tolerant intermetallic PtBi nanoplates for methanol electrooxidation[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(11): 2074-2082. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.185 shu

High CO-tolerant intermetallic PtBi nanoplates for methanol electrooxidation

  • Corresponding author: Hong-Jian LI,
  • Received Date: 23 April 2023
    Revised Date: 17 October 2023


  • We prepared an intermetallic PtBi nanoplate with high CO tolerance by thermal injection. The prepared intermetallic PtBi nanoplates showed excellent catalytic performance and stability for methanol oxidation reaction (MOR). The peak mass activity was up to 4.09 A·mgPt-1, which was nearly 3.2 times that of commercial Pt/C. After the current-time (I-t) stability test, the property decreased by only 5.7%, much lower than commercial Pt/C. CO-Stripping curves and evolution of cyclic voltammetric (CV-Evolution) curves confirmed high CO tolerance of inter-metallic PtBi nanoplates.
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