Citation: Wang-Yang DUAN, Yue-Huan CHENG, Ji-Song HU, Xin-Guo MA, Ling PEI. Schottky barrier of blue phosphorus/graphene heterostructure regulated by the adsorption of oxygen atoms[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(10): 1980-1990. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.161 shu

Schottky barrier of blue phosphorus/graphene heterostructure regulated by the adsorption of oxygen atoms

  • Corresponding author: Ling PEI,
  • Received Date: 9 March 2023
    Revised Date: 16 September 2023


  • Controlling the p-type transmission operation of nanoelectronics remains a major challenge in lowering the Schottky barrier. To solve this problem, we systematically investigated the effects of O atoms adsorption doped on the interlayer interactions and electronic properties of the BP/graphene (BP=blue phosphorus) heterostructures by first-principles calculations incorporating a semiempirical dispersion-correction scheme. The results show that the interfacial binding can be enhanced by O atom adsorption doped inside the interface. The height of the Schottky barrier can be adjusted by changing the concentration of O atom adsorption doped inside the interface. It is further found that by increasing the concentration of O atoms inside the interface, a low p - type Schottky barrier can be obtained, thereby achieving efficient charge transfer. Finally, it is confirmed that the redistribution of the interfacial charge leads to the movement of the Fermi level, which determines the height of the Schottky barrier.
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    沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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