Citation: Qi ZUO, Long-Fei MA. Synthesis and crystal structure of the charge transfer complexes of arylthiotetrathiafulvalenes and iodine[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(10): 1869-1876. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.156 shu

Synthesis and crystal structure of the charge transfer complexes of arylthiotetrathiafulvalenes and iodine

  • Corresponding author: Long-Fei MA,
  • Received Date: 2 May 2023
    Revised Date: 13 June 2023


  • Three charge-transfer (CT) complexes (1)(I3)·I2, (2)(I5)·I2, and (32+)(I3)2 have been prepared via solvent evaporation method comprising arylthio - substituted tetrathiafulvalene derivatives (Ar-S-TTF) and iodine. Single crystal X-ray diffraction, UV-Vis spectrum, and cyclic voltammetry were used to characterize the complexes. Complex (1)(I3)·I2 crystallizes in the C2/c space group. 1 takes the chair configuration. The asymmetric unit contains half of 1 ions, half of I3- ions, and half of I2 molecules. The charge transfer between compound 1 with iodine is consistent in the complex in solution. Complex (2)(I5)·I2 crystallizes in the P1 space group, and 2 takes the chair conformation. The asymmetric unit contains one 2 ion, one I5- ion, and one I2 molecule. Complex (32+)(I3)2 crystallizes in the Pbca space group, and 32+ takes the unique planar configuration. The asymmetric unit contains one 32+ ion and two I3- ions. Compounds 2 and 3 exhibit different charge transfers with iodine in solution and the complex. The iodine components in the complexes show various structures including the 1D chain of I3- or I5-/I2, and 2D iodine networks comprised of I2 and I3-.
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