Citation: Shi-Peng GAI, Jin-Dou TIAN, Fei-Long JIANG, Qi-Hui CHEN, Mao-Chun HONG. A microporous cobalt-based metal-organic framework for selective gas adsorption[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(6): 1014-1022. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.076 shu

A microporous cobalt-based metal-organic framework for selective gas adsorption


  • Herein, a novel metal-organic framework {[Co(DTBDA)]2·DMF·MeOH}n (FJI-H37) was prepared by solvothermal reaction of cobalt nitrate with ligand 5, 5'-di(1H-1, 2, 4-triazol-1-yl)-(1, 1'-biphenyl)-2, 2'-dicarboxylic acid (H2DTBDA). FJI-H37 not only has 0.69 nm of micropores for gas adsorption but also possesses good thermal stability and organic solvent tolerance. The gas adsorption tests show that FJI-H37 can not only selectively adsorb C2H2 from a C2H2/CO2 (50:50, V/V) mixture with a relatively high adsorption selectivity of 4.2, but also selectively capture CO2 from a CO2/N2 (15:85, V/V) and CO2/CH4 (50:50, V/V) mixture; which can be further confirmed by the dynamic fixedbed breakthrough experiments.
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