Citation: Min WANG, Meng-Yao YANG, Si-Yu CHEN, Ying-Qiu PU. Application of bilayer-structured CeO2 photoande in dye-sensitized solar cells[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(5): 883-890. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.057 shu

Application of bilayer-structured CeO2 photoande in dye-sensitized solar cells

  • Corresponding author: Min WANG,
  • Received Date: 1 December 2022
    Revised Date: 7 April 2023


  • Different composite photoanodes with double-layer structure applied to dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) can be prepared by core - shell structure Au@SiO2@CeO2 nanospheres synthesized by hydrothermal method. The results showed that the photoelectric conversion efficiency of the solar cells could be significantly improved when CeO2 nanospheres and Au@SiO2@CeO2 nanospheres coating were applied to the photoanode scattering layer of DSSC. Compared with the pure TiO2 (P25) photoanode, the photoelectric property of P25/CeO2 nanosphere photoanode cells increased by 15.3%, and that of P25/Au@SiO2@CeO2 nanosphere photoanode cells increased by 27.9%. Why the photoelectric property of DSSC can be enhanced is mainly attributed to the following two dimensions. On the one hand, the light scattering effect of the photoanode film is effectively heightened by the localized plasmon resonance of the Au nanoparticles. On the other hand, the light scattering effect and the electron transmission capacity are enhanced since the CeO2 has the high load capacity in the dye, the core-shell structure with a high specific surface area.
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