Citation: Yu-Hong ZHU, Bao-Jin CHU. Preparation and enhanced thermal conductivity of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (55/45)/0.75BiFeO3-0.25BaTiO3 composite for electrocaloric application[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(4): 716-722. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.035 shu

Preparation and enhanced thermal conductivity of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) (55/45)/0.75BiFeO3-0.25BaTiO3 composite for electrocaloric application

  • Corresponding author: Bao-Jin CHU,
  • Received Date: 7 September 2022
    Revised Date: 3 March 2023


  • In this work, the (P (VDF-TrFE)(55/45)) was used as polymer matrix and 0.75BiFeO3-0.25BaTiO3(BFO-BTO) nanofiber was used as fillers to enhance the thermal conductivity of the copolymer.The enhanced thermal conductivity was achieved by adding a small amount of BFO-BTO nanofibers to the copolymer.A thermal conductivity of the composite film with 2% nanofibers was 0.21 W·m-1·K-1 at 75℃, which was nearly twice that of the P (VDF-TrFE)(55/45) copolymer film.At the same time, the electrocaloric effect (ECE) of the copolymer almost remained unchanged after the addition of nanofibers.The results suggest that the addition of BFO-BTO nanofibers is effective to improve the thermal conductivity of P (VDF-TrFE)(55/45) copolymer while maintaining high ECE.
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