Citation: Yin‐Qiong XIE, Shi TANG, Shan‐Shan WANG, Xin LIAN, Wen‐Long GUO, Xi LIU. Construction of Sb2O3/BiVO4/WO3 heterojunction for photoelectrocatalytic synthesis of hydrogen peroxide[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(3): 433-442. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.022 shu

Construction of Sb2O3/BiVO4/WO3 heterojunction for photoelectrocatalytic synthesis of hydrogen peroxide


  • Sb2O3/BiVO4/WO3 semiconductor heterojunctions were constructed by solvothermal method and spin coating method, and X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to characterize the physical and chemical properties. The photocurrent density of BiVO4/WO3 was increased by two times compared with BiVO4 at 1.23 V (vs RHE). Although further coating with Sb2O3 decreased the photocurrent density of Sb2O3/BiVO4/WO3 film, the Faraday efficiency and production rate of H2O2 were improved. At 1.89 V (vs RHE), the Faraday efficiency of 3c‐Sb2O3/BiVO4/WO3 film was enhanced to ca. 19%; the production rate of H2O2 of 1c‐Sb2 O3/BiVO4 /WO3 film increased from ca. 2.1 to ca. 3.6 μmol·h-1·cm-2. In addition, the coating of Sb2O3 significantly improved the photoelectrocatalytic stability of BiVO4/WO3 electrode.
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