Citation: Qiao-Li ZHANG, Ya-Ping WANG, Wan-Jie SUN, Qing-Feng YI. Preparation and oxygen reduction electroactivity of metal nanoparticles loaded on sheet-like carbon composites[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2023, 39(2): 346-356. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2023.003 shu

Preparation and oxygen reduction electroactivity of metal nanoparticles loaded on sheet-like carbon composites

  • Corresponding author: Qing-Feng YI,
  • Received Date: 4 September 2022
    Revised Date: 7 December 2022


  • Herein, Co/C-N, Fe/C-N, and Fe-Co/C-N nanocomposites were obtained by the self-template method, and high-temperature pyrolysis of the mixture composed of dicyandiamide, sucrose, and cobalt (ferric) phthalocyanine as nitrogen, carbon, and metal sources respectively. Then a small amount of platinum was deposited on the Co/C-N with better oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electroactivity by thermal reduction to obtain carbon nanosheet -supported Co-Pt nanoparticles (Co-Pt/C-N). The catalysts were well characterized and tested for ORR. The Co/C-N catalyst displayed the onset potential (Eonset) and half-wave potential (E1/2) of ORR closed to the Pt/C in an alkaline solution, and it even presented the more positive onset potential and half-wave potential in a neutral solution. For Co-Pt/C-N, its ORR electroactivity in an acidic solution was greatly enhanced compared with the Co/C-N and was comparable to the Pt/C. The excellent ORR electroactivity of the samples is mainly attributed to the 3D structure formed by the carbon nanosheets, uniform distribution of the metal nanoparticles, and abundant pyridine N.
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