Citation: Zi-Xiang HAO, Yang CHEN, Lin-Rui WANG, Xiao-Li CUI. Synthesis of γ-Graphyne and Its Applications in the Fields of Energy Storage and Conversion[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(12): 2321-2341. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.254 shu

Synthesis of γ-Graphyne and Its Applications in the Fields of Energy Storage and Conversion


  • Alkyne carbon material is a novel two-dimensional carbon allotrope with good electrical conductivity and high specific surface area. The porous structure composed of sp2- and sp-hybridized carbon promotes charge transfer and ion transport, which endows alkyne carbon material with broad application prospects in the field of energy storage and conversion. Theoretically, γ-graphyne (γ-GY) has the highest stability among the γ-GY-like carbon materials due to its stable conjugated system and unique triangular pore structure, which promotes the ionic intercalation/ de-intercalation process in alkali metal ion batteries. Given its excellent semiconductor properties, γ-GY is also an ideal candidate for photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic oxygen evolution and hydrogen evolution. Besides, the molecular framework and electron configuration of γ-GY can be regulated by heteroatom doping or rational molecular structural design of organic precursors. This review summarized synthesis methods of γ-GY and its applications in lithium (sodium and potassium) ion batteries, electrocatalysis, and photocatalysis, then further proposed the challenges and opportunities in the energy field.
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