Citation: Rong SHI, Xi-Gui WANG. Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structure and Luminescence Properties of LiBaPO4: Eu3+ Phosphors[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(11): 2275-2282. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.212 shu

Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structure and Luminescence Properties of LiBaPO4: Eu3+ Phosphors

  • Corresponding author: Xi-Gui WANG,
  • Received Date: 2 April 2022
    Revised Date: 25 August 2022


  • The LiBaPO4: Eu3+ phosphors were prepared by the sol-gel method, and the structure and luminescence properties of the phosphors were characterized by thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), Fourier transformation infrared (IR) spectrum, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and fluorescence spectrum. TG-DTA results showed that the LiBaPO4 phase can be formed upon 700 ℃. IR spectra confirmed the existence of PO43- ions. XRD results showed that temperature change can cause different degrees of cleavage of the diffraction peaks. Eu3+ doping concentration can affect the crystal phase of the sample, and the samples with a lower doping concentration appeared impurity, as the doping concentration increased, the sample was a pure phase of hexagonal crystals LiBaPO4. TEM showed that the material particles agglomerated to a certain extent with the increase in concentration. The fluorescence measurement results showed that LiBaPO4: Eu3+ had different optimal excitation wavelengths at different annealing temperatures and its dominant energy level transition is due to the differences in the crystal structure and coordination environment of the activator at different temperatures, and the concentration quenching caused by Eu3+ also varied. CIE calculation results showed that the color purity of the sample gradually improved with the increase of annealing temperature. LiBaPO4: Eu3+ can be effectively excited by 394 nm long-wave ultraviolet light, indicating its potential application in the field of white light-emitting diodes.
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