Citation: Xin BU, Si-Jie BAO, Xiang-Feng CHU, Shi-Ming LIANG, Chun-Shui WANG, Yu-Ying BAI. Preparation and Gas-Sensing Properties of MoS2/Cd2SnO4 Composite Materials[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(11): 2173-2180. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.209 shu

Preparation and Gas-Sensing Properties of MoS2/Cd2SnO4 Composite Materials


  • Cd2SnO4 was prepared by hydrothermal-calcination method and a series of MoS2/Cd2SnO4 composite materials were prepared by ultrasonic mixing method. To analyze the structures and morphologies of the Cd2SnO4 and MoS2/Cd2SnO4 composite materials, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used. The effect of the doped amount of MoS2 on the gas sensing properties of MoS2/Cd2SnO4 composite materials was investigated. The results showed that when the mass ratio of MoS2 to Cd2SnO4 was 2.5%, the response of the gas sensor of MoS2/Cd2SnO4 composite material to 100 μL·L-1 formaldehyde vapor at 170 ℃ was 40.0 and the detection limit reached 0.1 μL·L-1.
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