Citation: Dian ZHU, Jun ZHANG, Qian ZHANG, Shu‐Qi LIANG, Ying XIONG, Yi‐Fan JIANG, Mei‐Fang WANG, Ju‐Yuan WEI, Xi‐Rui FAN, Zhi‐Jun FENG. Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Antitumor Activities of Mn(Ⅱ) Complex and La(Ⅲ) Coordination Polymer with 2, 6‐Diacetylpyridine Salicylhydrazone Derivative[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(8): 1499-1511. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.165 shu

Syntheses, Crystal Structures, and Antitumor Activities of Mn(Ⅱ) Complex and La(Ⅲ) Coordination Polymer with 2, 6‐Diacetylpyridine Salicylhydrazone Derivative


  • Complex [MnH2L(DMSO)2] (1) and coordination polymer {[La(H2L)2]2[La2(H2L)2(DMF)5(H2O)] ·2DMF· 2H2O}n (2) (DMSO=dimethyl sulfoxide, DMF=N, N‐dimethylformamide) having 2, 6‐diacetylpyridine salicylhydrazone derivative (2, 6‐((o‐OH)C6H4C=ONHN=C(CH3))2C5H3N, H4L) as ligand were synthesized and characterized by IR, UV‐Vis, elemental analysis and further by single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction. Complex 1 belongs to an orthorhombic crystal system with space group P212121, and coordination polymer 2 crystallizes in a triclinic crystal system with space group P1. Moreover, the in vitro antitumor activities of complex 1 and coordination polymer 2 were evaluated by CCK‐8 assay in the colon (HCT116) and colorectal adenocarcinoma (DLD‐1) cancer cell lines. And the resulting IC50 values were estimated to be as low as (23.69±1.226) μmol·L-1 and (41.06±1.013) μmol·L-1 for complex 1 or (57.61±1.034) μmol·L-1 and (61.36±1.029) μmol·L-1 for complex 2 against HCT116 and DLD‐1 cells, respectively, proving cytotoxic activities of complex 1 and coordination polymer 2 against these two cancer cell lines.
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