Citation: Cheng-Gang LI, Ying-Qi CUI, Hao TIAN, Jie ZHANG, Qin-Qin SHAO, Zi-Gang SHEN, Bao-Zeng REN. Theoretical Study on Geometric Structures, Electronic, and Thermodynamics Properties of VB2n- (n=8-12) Clusters[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(8): 1523-1532. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.150 shu

Theoretical Study on Geometric Structures, Electronic, and Thermodynamics Properties of VB2n- (n=8-12) Clusters

  • Corresponding author: Ying-Qi CUI,
  • Received Date: 8 February 2022
    Revised Date: 9 May 2022


  • The geometric structures, electronic, and thermodynamic properties of vanadium doped boron clusters, VB2n- (n=8 -12), were investigated systemically by using CALYPSO searching method and density functional theory. It is found that vanadium atom doping significantly modifies the structures of the boron clusters and strong the chem- ical activity of systems. A drum-shaped structure is the global minimum for VB16- cluster with C2v point symmetry. Tubular-shaped VB18- and VB20- with C2v and Cs symmetry exhibit a metal-centred tubular with a B 2 unit over the B16 and B 18 drum, respectively. For VB22- and VB24- clusters, vanadium atom tends to encapsulate into boron cages. Based on the lowest energy structures, the charge transfer and polarizability were explored, the photoelectron spec- tra, infrared spectra, and Raman spectra were simulated, the fluxional bonds and aromatic properties were analyzed. At last, the thermodynamic properties were investigated, the thermodynamics parameters were discussed for the lowest energy structures of VB2n- (n=8-12) clusters.
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