Citation: Xiao-Qin WEI, Feng-Ying ZHANG, Wan-Xi LI, Xin-Yi WANG, Ai-Hua ZHANG, Yu-Fang LIU. Synthesis and Slow Magnetic Relaxation of a Disc-like Dysprosium Cluster[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(7): 1382-1390. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.141 shu

Synthesis and Slow Magnetic Relaxation of a Disc-like Dysprosium Cluster


  • By using rare earth salt of DyCl3·6H2O, a bidentate ligand of tmphen and the block of[Mo(CN)7]4-, a dysprosium heptanuclear cluster was self-assembled with the formula of[Dy7(tmphen)12O6(OH)6Cl2] [Mo(tmphen) O(CN)3]6Cl7·66H2O (1, tmphen=3, 4, 7, 8-tetramethyl-1, 10-phenanthroline), which was characterized structurally and magnetically. The crystal structure shows that compound 1 is dominated by a disc-like structure of dysprosium heptanuclear. The[Mo(CN)7]4- block was oxidized and decomposed, forming[Mo(tmphen) O (CN)3]+ cations free in the lattice. Besides, weak π-π interactions are found between aromatic rings of tmphen. The direct-current (dc) magnetic susceptibility indicated this compound had no hysteresis loop at low temperatures due to the existence of the quantum tunneling relaxation path. The alternating current (ac) magnetic susceptibility, however, illustrated that the compound exhibited slow magnetic relaxation under zero field, showing the properties of a single-molecule magnet, with an effective barrier of 51.6 K (35.8 cm-1, τ0=17 μs).
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