Citation: Long-Fei MA, Zhao-Hui ZHU, Xiao-Bo HUANG. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Arylthiotetrathiafulvalenes and Cupric Bromide Charge Transfer Complexes[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(5): 821-828. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.086 shu

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Arylthiotetrathiafulvalenes and Cupric Bromide Charge Transfer Complexes

  • Corresponding author: Long-Fei MA,
  • Received Date: 3 November 2021
    Revised Date: 15 February 2022


  • Four charge-transfer complexes, (1)(Cu2Br6)0.5, (2)(Cu2Br6)0.5, (3)(Cu2Br6)0.5 and (4)(CuBr2), have been prepared via diffusion methods comprising arylthio-substituted tetrathiafulvalene derivatives 1-4 and CuBr2. Crystal-lographic studies indicate that the anions in the complexes, which are derived from CuBr2, show diverse configura-tions including octahedral (CuⅡ2Br 6)2-and linear (CuⅠBr2)-. The plane of the outer four Br atoms and the plane of the central quadrilateral on(CuⅡ2Br6)2-have a different dihedral angle. Compounds 1-4 show radical cation and the cen-tral framework of compounds 1-4 are nearly planar in the complexes. The stacking structure and anionic configura-tion of the charge transfer complexes can be effectively regulated by regulating the substitution positions and sizes of halogen atoms on the aryl groups. CCDC: 2119456, (1)(Cu2Br6)0.5;2119457, (2)(Cu2Br6)0.5;2119458, (3)(Cu2Br6)0.5;2119459, (4)(CuBr2).
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