Citation: Tong-Sheng YANG, Renagul ABDURAHMAN, Qian-Ting YANG, Xue-Feng SUN, Gang-Hui CHU. Preparation and Optical Properties of Size Controllable Near-Infrared Emitting Zn1.4Ga1.97-2xO4∶1.5%Cr, xIn Persistent Luminescent Nanoparticles[J]. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, ;2022, 38(3): 449-458. doi: 10.11862/CJIC.2022.049 shu

Preparation and Optical Properties of Size Controllable Near-Infrared Emitting Zn1.4Ga1.97-2xO4∶1.5%Cr, xIn Persistent Luminescent Nanoparticles


  • Size controllable near infrared-emitting ZGO∶1.5%Cr, xIn (Zn1.4Ga1.97-2xO4∶1.5%Cr, xIn, x=0%, 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%) persistent luminescent nanoparticles (PLNPs) were prepared via a facile one-step hydrothermal method. The size and persistent luminescence properties of ZGO∶1.5%Cr, xIn PLNPs depended on codoping amounts of In3+.The results showed that when the doping amount of In3+ was 0.2%, the average particle size of ZGO∶1.5%Cr, xIn PLNPs was the smallest (13.79 nm), and the NIR luminescence was the strongest. The afterglow time was estimated for 5 d, and can be re-excited by LED lamp. ZGO∶1.5%Cr, xIn PLNPs were pure spinel structure, and the doping of In3+ did not affect the crystal structure of PLNPs.
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